Recent Comments

Katie Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Very well written! I agree with your thoughts on this one, and it's made me think about the issue a lot. I was actually just discussing whether capital punishment was justified this evening, so it was lucky I read this post. =)

Please write more, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on other matters as well!

Posted on Life or Death by Jorge L. Zerquera Life or Death
chrishmael Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for your excellent words, Oppolo. I am a writer, and I would be interested in corresponding with you. Is it possible for you to post an address where you can receive mail?

Posted on Untitled by Opollo Rey Johnson Untitled
Alamo Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Hey Johnnie, I've really been enjoying your blog entries and I hope you keep making more. I can tell you've lived a hard life but you've gained a great deal of wisdom and learned a lot more about life than most people ever will and it's good to hear your thoughts and ideas.

I know how you feel about the family situation, my family is like that too I don't really hear from them anymore. I noticed when I used to work at this hospital that older patients would get visitors at first but then less and less at time went on. I think that's just how families are sometimes. Your first instinct is to get angry at them and although that anger is justified in the long run I think it just drives a wedge more and more between you.

All throughout history people have tried to build walls to keep people away like the great wall of China, the Berlin wall, the U.S., Mexico border, and the Korean DMZ but no matter how big or powerfull the wall is it always fails. I think this is because walling people off doesn't solve anything and is an unhealthy attitude to have whether that wall is mental or physical. Sorry if this was depressing to read, but I feel like any news even if it's bad brings us all a little closer together.

Posted on Blog #2 by Johnnie Jones Blog #2
squishles Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Dear Michael,

Thanks for your Shout Out! I only saw it today, and it quite surprised me. It's very interesting to hear more about your ideas for reform.

Have you shared these ideas with other people? It'd be great to know what you thought the chances of these reforms are. I've no idea, for example, whether having some health care is something gangs already do some of the time, or never.

You ask my own opinion - I guess I'd say that reform doesn't come all at once but rather in gradual changes.

I'm afraid I don't have so much to add myself -- I'm just a student at college!



Posted on "My Shout Out to Squishles"; Posts #8-12 by Michael Johnson "My Shout Out to Squishles"; Posts #8-12
Charlie DeTar Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
The wordpress link doesn't work; but you can find the site which Muise is referring to at Looks like it is a site dedicated to exposing uses and abuses of solitary confinement.

Posted on Sex for Information Ring Exposed by Timothy J. Muise Sex for Information Ring Exposed
Katie Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Beautiful words. I'm sure your future love will appreciate them, and you!

Posted on Untitled by Antwiane Sago Untitled
Katie Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Wow, your drawings are amazing! You should definitely try to do something with your art when you get out, you've got an incredible talent. And I'm sure it's been said, but your penmanship is very unusual. I like it a lot! How do you come up with inspiration for your drawings?

As for books, I really enjoyed The Sword of Truth series as well. People seem to like Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fantasy series, but I liked the former far more. Might be worth a read, however. I think there are more than 13 books, so it's one that will keep you busy for quite awhile.

Posted on Untitled by David Troupe Untitled
Katie Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
I'd recommend contacting the media in your area, you might find an interested reporter who wants to run with the story and get the word out.

Here's a big list of contact information for the staff of the Wisconsin State Journal:

Posted on Untitled by Nathan Gillis Untitled
Sunshine13 Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite

What a story. I guess some of the people in your life just arent worth mentioning.

Posted on Untitled by Johnnie Jones Untitled
z_unit Posted 13 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite

I thought your poem was awesome! Interesting rhyme scheme, great subject. I really enjoyed reading it. I also am really glad you're following politics and sharing your thoughts with us.

Posted on Untitled by Marteze Harris Untitled
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