Corkey Ogle's profile

Scanned profile


Hello! My name is Corkey Ogle.

I am a political prisoner who has been down for 36 years. And I am now looking to breakthrough my reclusive wall of silence and establishments of communications with like-minded comrades on the other side of that wall, in order to establish a communal rapport amongst us.

Currently, I happen to be taking my case back to court so as to prove the pigs set me up to get me off the streets because of my political activities. So I can surely use a little support form those outside who sympathize with my situation. I realize those seeing this may have heard similar rhetoric from prisoners who wish to use the revolutionary image to enhance their profile before the public, but I assure those reading my words that I am the 100% authentic revolutionary product.

I date back to the '60s so don't be shy about relating such old-school war stories if you decide to contact me. I would love to hear from you.

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