Info: Antwan Hawkins 1421430
Allred Unit
2101 FM 369 N
Iowa Park, TX 76367
Greetings Ladies, [written with five small hearts drawn around the text]
What's going on? I hope that by the time this notation reaches those interested all is well and everything is everything. As for myself, I'm coolin' and taking things one day at a time. My name is Antwan (Twan) Hawkins, and I'm a 25-year-old black male currently incarcerated for 2 counts of Agg. Robbery with a deadly weapon. I was sentenced to 7 years in 2005 and I now have 6 years done. My earliest projected release date is September 16th, 2012. [smiley face] (Can't Wait!!!) Days are long and nights are lonely. I'm willing to correspond with beautiful ladies of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds. Some of my interests...... I love music of all kinds, sports, reading and being that I'm a tattoo artist, I have a strong passion for art of any kind. Here in the near future I will be posting my personal work for you to enjoy. I will also share a few of my prison experiences and a couple stories. Feel free to respond and those of you who wish to know me on a personal level, feel free to use the address above. "Everyone will receive a response. I consider myself to be a very unjudgmental person. Whatever the topic, let's talk. "Nothing" is off limits with me, if you're curious. Ask!!! And I'll do my best to keep it as real and straightforward as possible. And before I forget, you can also write to me at (It's a little quicker) Well, ladies, I don't wanna take up too much more of your time, so I'm gonna bring this to an end. Take care, stay sweet, and look forward to my artwork, prison stories, and experiences I've had in the past 6 years. Some sad, some funny, and some unreal. Follow me, it's going down!!!!
Yours Truly,
(Smile 4 Me)
P.S. I hope to hear from you soon!!!
[photo of Antwan in white clothing, standing in front of a mural of hands lifting around a floating bundle of keys at the center of a galaxy, captioned "COMPLIMENTS OF WSD"]