Demetrics McCauley's profile

Scanned profile
Scanned profile


"The way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it entails, the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity, even under the most difficult circumstance, to add a deeper meaning to his life."
—Victor Frank

What's good?! My name is Demetrics McCauley. I'm 33 years old, have been incarcerated for almost 17 years, and am on the back end of a life with parole sentence for a conviction of second degree murder.

Despite the fact that I've spent over half of my life in jail or prison, I feel truly blessed to have had this experience. It's made me the man I am today and for that, I'm thankful. I love to challenge myself intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically in preparation for the tomorrows that await me.

I enjoy writing poetry, prose, essays. I've actually written a book. I'm currently the president of Toastmasters at this institution, and I look forward to continuing to develop my skills as an orator so that I can share my stories with juveniles who're on the same path that led to my imprisonment and help them get onto the path to a better life.

I hope to share some of my story, my experiences, and my ideas through this platform in an attempt to foster deep thought. The action necessary for all who see this to effect positive change in their communities. I will respond to all comments. If there's something I write that you like, hit me up either at the address below or leave a message. I look forward to the intellectual stimulation that awaits us.

Mr. Demetrics McCauley #529521
J.C.C.C. 3D-217
8200 No More Victims Rd.
Jefferson City, MO 65101

[Colored photo of the author. He is giving a sideways hug to a woman wearing a shirt that says "I don't do drama".]

Read more from Demetrics McCauley's blog: My Window To The World »