
Activity: 4 comments


  • Why can't you contact them at the addresses listed?
    on Legal Referral Services by Heather Alyce Dison Aug. 24, 2014
  • Wow, I am sorry that you get so many guys writing you, telling you that God willed them to write you, and them wanting to write such letters to you and wanting you to do the same. And them saying that you and them are meant to be together. Please ...
    on Untitled by Heather Alyce Dison Aug. 24, 2014
  • I'm glad that you are aware that that letter was fraud, not everyone sees that. Some are so desperate for money that they are blind to see it for what it is.
    on Letters And Articles by Heather Alyce Dison Aug. 24, 2014
  • I understand that you want someone again, who doesn't. But you don't want someone who will search through your stuff to make sure that you are faithful. While in a way that sounds romantic, that is jealousy and mistrust on the other person's part. I've been with jealous people, I've ...
    on Dear Journal (Dec. 28, 2013) by Heather Alyce Dison Aug. 24, 2014