Feb. 5, 2015

Auntie Pat

by Touissant Harley



Auntie Pat

I received your post with "Patricia" as the word. It was the only one I received.

I was so elated to hear from you and surprised at the same time. Each time I speak about family, I ask about you but no really has anything to say.

Nevertheless, I've been trying to do some research on our bloodline and found out a few things! Hopefully, you'll be able to help me in the process. I'll fill you in once I know you've received this.

Otherwise, I'm surviving. Really can't complain! How is Tina? Send my deepest love to her please.

Much love,
Peace and Blessings,
Your nephew

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shaddie Posted 9 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Hey Cousin,
I finally found you! I received your massive the other day. Will send you something soon. I will be sending pictures soon.

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