April 10, 2011

Hello Everybody!

by Olon Reece Miller (author's profile)



Hello, everybody!

It's me, Reece again. :)

Just like everyone to know that I am still here, still single, still loud, and still bored to death. Would love to hear from you more than ever. So what's going on in your world?

Me? Not much of anything exciting or new going on in my little corner of the world.

I will say that I got a haircut today, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good it turned out. :) But you wouldn't believe the aggravation and chaos I had to go through to get out of my dorm and get to the inmate barbershop. OMG!

The food still sucks. Only difference is now the portions are getting smaller due to the budget cuts.

Well, if anyone is interested to correspond directly, I'd love to meet and hear from you. Take care and enjoy life.



Replies (1) Replies feed

AshleyMiller517 Posted 10 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Hey!!! It's Ashley and Olon!!! Let us know if you still get these replies! We would love to talk to you through here! Still trying to figure it out! Hopefully we will be seeing you soon!! Keep your head up and know Olon misses you and thinks of you everyday!!

-Ashley & Olon! :)

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