
Activity: 3 comments


  • What a beautiful drawing!That's some real talent. Isn't it amazing to be in touch with our feelings? Even though it can hurt and that pain, that physical sensation, that could never be dissected and never seen, but that's still fully physical and can radiate and shake your body, that can ...
    on Let U N 2 My Heart by Byron Wilson Sept. 2, 2018
  • He's a prisoner of his mind. In no way am i sympathizing with him, but imagine how horrible it would be to wake up to tendencies like that? Don't be a prisoner of your anger. It's not worth it. I hope you can see your beautiful child again sooner and ...
    on Bewitching Defendant Victim by Johnny E. Mahaffey Sept. 2, 2018
  • I think the difference is that we have social media. And while social media has a million negative aspects. It also gives us the ability to talk and to communicate. To comment on those ads with people who we would never have been able to talk to before. I think ...
    on I Remember by Jennifer Johnson Sept. 2, 2018