Jennifer Johnson


Comment response

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Georgia Department of Correction: Hopeless but Scared

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
July 24, 2024

Many Americans in the government and our society are living in hypocrisy

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
July 23, 2024

Honey I don't want nothing or anybody else; so why are you focused on me

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
July 22, 2024

If you were in a physical jail or prison - How would you serve your time?

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
July 21, 2024

Israel-Hamas War: Prim and Proper for what?

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
May 3, 2024

Peeling off the dead weights (Part 5)

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
May 3, 2024

Peeling off the dead weights (Part 4)

Read more » 1 reply | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
May 1, 2024

Peeling off the dead weight (Part 3)

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
April 30, 2024

Peeling off the dead weights (Part 2)

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
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