
Activity: 5 comments, 1 transcriptions


  • I am sorry to hear it took that long for you to be moved near your family. Thank you for sharing.
    on Incarcerated by James Collins Oct. 31, 2019
  • That was beautiful! I was attracted to your words of truthfulness, and anything related to God fascinates me.
    on Growing Awkward by James Collins Oct. 31, 2019
  • Thank you for your post. I liked "perhaps I should learn how to purr" "and jump up in a lap". It made me smile.
    on Put Down by James Collins Oct. 31, 2019
  • Thank you for your post. I just wanted to share that I was a little bit excited when I saw the word cesspool. I had recently come across the word and did not know what it meant, so I looked it up. But I did not have to look up ...
    on Views by James Collins Oct. 31, 2019
  • Great post, Mr. Collins! Thank you for reminding me to slow down in life and appreciate the small things. It makes me feel guilty that I can enjoy those small luxuries and you cannot. I feel even worse knowing that most of the time I loathe going to the grocery ...
    on King For A Day by James Collins Oct. 31, 2019
