Activity: 3 comments


  • THE SAN DIEGO PAPER HAD A BIG WRITE UP ABOUT YOU...35 years determinate and 600 to life indeterminate...failed even had a bmw you allowed the kid to drive the paper said...holy smoke you were an active predator...SO,IS IT JUST FAKE NEWS? POOR LITTLE YOU...CANT GET OUT OF PRISON..WHAT? YOU ...
    on The Presumption Of Whiteness by Dymitri Haraszewski July 18, 2024
  • your assessment is spot-on,'re one of the few inmates who publicly take this truthful position..i had been incarcerated in wisconsin for decades but hit max discharge in 2019...i took a very similar position while i was locked up and i was virtually all alone in my views and i ...
    on Good Riddance Biden by Johnny E. Mahaffey July 24, 2024
  • holy crap... you have all the fancy words, clever statements and slick observations all figured out but you are still incarcerated and will remain so...anybody could flip your rantings over and apply all that to you...the parole board knows your kind better than you do and they aren't paid to ...
    on A Peek Behind The Of Public Safety Theatre by Dymitri Haraszewski July 24, 2024