
Activity: 13 comments, 2 favorites


  • HI There, Was surfing the net and came across this site, its extremely interesting........... I have joined up on this site as I guess that's how I can see what happens on death row, its a real eye opener what I just read. Keep writing and I will keep reading ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff May 3, 2013
  • Hi there, Just wanted to say that I was reading through your posts today as I cant stop smiling to have such a special and remarkable man in my life. Keep up all the writing as I really enjoy reading your articles, who would of thought that after ten years ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff June 18, 2013
  • Hey there, (__________________________) I had a day off work and thought I would read some blogs from behind the bars. Can you believe that I have been reading for just over two hours and some of the blogs that I have read are extremely strange!!! I cant even begin to ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff Aug. 16, 2013
  • Hi There, I have been reading your blogs and I dont actually know what to say to you. I know its hard to remain positive in prison, but you cant give up hope and you need to fight this with all that you have. I want you to know that ...
    on One Step Closer by Daniel Gwynn Aug. 16, 2013
  • Hey there (___________________) Its me again!!!! Once again I find myself drawn to this web site and it just makes me feel so closer to you (_________________). I choose the solitary confinement blog because it makes me think of everything that we take for granted, everything that we can do ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff Sept. 29, 2013
  • Hi there Daniel :) I know its been a while since I have written to you but its been a very hectic last few weeks and some not so good days. First off, thank you for writing me back, I have told my man about you ans he has no ...
    on One Step Closer by Daniel Gwynn Oct. 25, 2013
  • Hey There, Have written snail and will send an email through our friend in the morning. Just slightly confused, got notification that you wrote a blog and when going to read it, its not there, looks like it has been deleted, any ideas why?? You are and always be my ...
    on Voices From Alabama Death Row by Donald Deardorff Dec. 9, 2013
  • Dear Don, I thought that the email I sent last night would be my last one to you ever but after giving your email some thought, damn well will not give up on you. You are my man, and you seem to think that after 10 years together you can ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff Dec. 23, 2013
  • Dear Don, I am sending this to you on this site as I am not sure that you are getting my emails from Les. I got your mail and I dont know what to say, right now I am in shock!!!! I have sent this email to Les but just ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff Dec. 24, 2013
  • 25th December 2013 Hi there Daniel, I have written snail to you so please look out or it. Just wanted to wish you a happy Christmas for today and to let you know that I was thinking of you and all my pen pals that write as well. Take care ...
    on One Step Closer by Daniel Gwynn Dec. 25, 2013
  • Hey there, Today is Christmas Day and its been one of the worst Christmas's that I have had over the last 10 years. I have spent the last few days crying so much that I feel extremely sick, you know Don, after all these years together and to see you ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff Dec. 25, 2013
  • Hey there my love, No news in over 3 weeks, and I am getting myself worried, I have thoughts of are you in lock down, are you alive or have you died?? It was our 11th year Anniversary last week and no word from you, which is strange and set ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff June 23, 2014
  • 4th July 2014 Hey there my love, What the hell is going on in your life????? I have learnt to live with no snail at times, but now I am hitting panic mode, no snail and no phone calls..................... Just so you know how worried I am about you I ...
    on Solitary Confinement by Donald Deardorff July 4, 2014


  • Hey there, (__________________________) I had a day off work and thought I would read some blogs from behind the bars. ...
    11 years, 6 months ago
    By alexandra on Solitary Confinement
  • Hey there (___________________) Its me again!!!! Once again I find myself drawn to this web site and it just makes ...
    11 years, 4 months ago
    By alexandra on Solitary Confinement