
Activity: 3 comments


  • The death penalty. Macabre, possibly out dated, cruel in many cases, but often the only choice. Your crime was heinous. I suppose 14 years of self reflection in the environment you now reside have given you the viewpoint of "why me". For someone affected by your actions, and seeing a ...
    on The Death Penalty; Cruel Or Justice? by Robert Pezzeca June 30, 2014
  • Well, 37 years of experience, half of them in the penal system. I suppose it is a good way to scare someone straight. I am not sure the benefit of a father on the phone is really worthwhile however. My mother was not in the penal system, but was largely ...
    on A Touching Memory by Robert Pezzeca July 6, 2014
  • It is really a shame that it's that hot in the quads. I cannot imagine living in the heat we have in PA without the benefit of air conditioning. The humidity plus the smell of so many people crammed together must be unbearable. I do understand why the guards get ...
    on PA Budget Woes by Robert Pezzeca July 9, 2014