
Activity: 1 comments, 2 favorites


  • Hi. I am going to write about one of your poems for my college literature class. I am extremely interested in hearing your perspective of what it's like to be (have been?) an artist in prison. If you are interested in a phone or email interview, let me know how ...
    on Da P.E.N. (Public Enemy Napalm) by Carlos Brown Feb. 2, 2016


  • Some more sunlight to you! Dear Troy, I was pleased to hear that your spirits got lifted and you experienced ...
    11 years, 7 months ago
    By Kat on Your Imagination, But My Reality
  • Dear Troy! Thanks for sharing your experiences. I would like to send you some positive energy by giving you a ...
    11 years, 9 months ago
    By Kat on Your Imagination, But My Reality