Nov. 4, 2013

Da P.E.N. (Public Enemy Napalm)

by Carlos Brown (author's profile)


Da' P.E.N.
(Public Enemy Napalm)

Pimp your pain
Lay blame at the feet of the world
This debt owed to be paid to the society:
Judiciary prejud as punitive restitution

Exploit your grief
A thief sanctimonious of some lost and pilfered pearl
Serrated tears blindly trickle to anoint the sanguinary
As woe stained hands exchange compensatory currency

Where you're hurt
Insert and exert reciprocal gumdrops of seditious copulation
Cram your oral and emotional sink holes with deviled eggs
Spilling the seeds of hatred from a bitter spread eagle
Disbursing a like wound for a like wounded earth's remuneration
Public enemy napalm

Under strict orders to hold court in this ink
The pen renders judgement from cipher
Who's right? Who's wrong?
Who thought to think this pen silent?
I write in leftist tones attesting to the rights of lifers

Witness the victim's surcharge
I pen unpenitent sentences
Explosively I write in inflammatory discharge
Wronged I write if you can read remote detonated ink blots
Their plot to bury me alive in cement blocks with no m.r.
Before the storm beware the calm
Public enemy napalm

-- Carlos "Sundiata Ibn Islam" Brown

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Replies (6) Replies feed

Qi Posted 9 years ago. ✓ Mailed 9 years ago   Favorite
Hi. I am going to write about one of your poems for my college literature class. I am extremely interested in hearing your perspective of what it's like to be (have been?) an artist in prison. If you are interested in a phone or email interview, let me know how to get in touch. I am a passionate prison abolitionist (and I'd really like an A on the paper heh). My name is Mel. Thank you.

Carlos Brown Posted 8 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post) Posted 8 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
I LIKE YOUR POEMS AND LIKE TO ENTER IT IN THE FAIR BUT I want yo7ur okay... you can write me at P.O.BOX 614..CRESCEN5T CITY ,CALIFORNIA...95531. My name is SUZANNE VARNER op call me at 707-954-1983. HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU I write poems short stories. I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA.

Jayaims@1 Posted 3 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
Nice in your face realism. The depth of which some may never realize without having lived it.
--Jayaims N. Stevens

123poetry Posted 3 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Your poetry is very visceral. I liked a lot of your choices in wording and the comparisons that you draw. I can tell that it has been quite some time since this was written and I can only hope that some of the pain you are expressing has ben dissipated and I certainly hope that you have continued writing.

Alisandra Posted 3 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
This poem used such an interesting mix of words you don't normally expect to read in poetry. The imagery used with this type of language writes a poem that flows more and feels more real in comparison to poetry we were forced to read in high school.

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