July 28, 2014

What's Up In Our Good Ole USA!!!

by Leon Irby (author's profile)


What's Up In Our Good Ole USA!!!

"On that topic, what the hell is going on with young American men?"

What do you mean?

"We'll ask the question here. I mean everywhere you look men are doing horrendous things, like the kid in California who killed all those people in Isla Vista."
--David Granger, Editor in Chief, Esquire, August 2014, esquire.com

We'll broaden the universal question here.

"Lone Star Crazy

In today's Texas, which is falling into the hands of gun nuts, border sealers and talk radio charlatans, George W. Bush would practically be considered a communist."
--Mark Binetti, Rolling Stone, July 13-17, 2014 (RS 1212) rollingstone.com

These days are reminiscent of the 1960s when JFK, Malcolm X, MLK Jr. and RFK were bloodily assassinated, one assassination after another.

Then the question asked: "Is America sick?"

Picture this, the spectacular group photo blasted universal wide of President Barack H. Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Bob Gates and various important officials after the assassination of Bin Laden.

This slight, rather skinny black man was the only black man among them in that situation room.

Please keep on following this: VP Joe Biden is white!

At the time the Senate was all white, certainly Sen. (D. Nev.) Harry Reid, Majority Leader is white!

The U.S. House Majority Leader Rep. (R. Oh) John Boehner, Mr. Speaker is white!

The Military Joint Chief of Staff are all white!

Yet, the Tea Party, America Patriot, Hank Williams, Ted Nugent and others are of mind; the mind that one skinny black man took over our country, and mind you, without firing a single shot (Heard around the world!!) And they must take it, take back our country from "Obama"!!

Mr. Binelli, report on P. 54, Id, "One of the Lieutenant-Governor candidates, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples ran a television ad in which he declared, "Mr. President, you are not a king and Texas bow[s] to no one", followed chillingly by footage of Staples hoisting a rifle at a gun store.

Further, on P. 55, Mr. Jerry Patterson, 67, another losing candidate in the primary is quoted saying, "The GOP got dumber than a rock" and P. 56, "You have a bunch of angry folks who are, frankly angry for good reason, but they are also very, very gullible." he says glumly. "All you got to do is say certain phrases and words. Fill in the blank cliché an they 'rah-rah' and applaud and you're the man." Secure the borders. No amnesty. Build a fence.

If these uber armed white folks of the land of brave believe that one unarmed skinny black man took away our country from them, is it any wonder Zimmerman irrationally believed that unarmed skinny black (FILL THE BLANK!!!) male child Trayvon Martin would take away his neighborhood.

By the way, this blogger postulated Mr. Elliot Rogers, mass murder Isla Vista Ca., in that case there was no proof presented of him actually hitting on a "real live girl". Mr. Peter Rogers, Hollywood movie director, never mentioned one in recent abc.com Barbara Walters' interview.

These fantastical irrational abstract notions only exist in "group think minds" and "psychotic individual heads".

Is there a doctor in our country!

By: Leon Irby

Dated: July 14, 2014


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