May 3, 2015

Three Nails

by Gary Field (author's profile)

Replies (1) Replies feed

ChaplainL Posted 8 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
I took your papers with me. I can't tell you what a blessing you were and are to me. I may have left SB but my heart and spirit is still there with men like you. I have started a new publication and will be sharing two of the poems you gave me. I will gladly share more if you mail them to me. I will be mailing you the first edition of the newspaper soon but I know it will likely take a while for you to get it. I am hoping this publication will help writers and artists have another place to present their work.
I have created a page here on between the bars as ChaplainL. I hope we can keep in touch. The newspaper PO Box is this:
Intercultural Interfaith Communications (or I.I.C for short)
P.O. Box 347402
Parma, Ohio 44134

I do not use my name in the publication due to the obvious problem at South Bay. Blessings to you! Chaplain L.

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