Nov. 1, 2018

Update after beating

by Guy S. Alexander (author's profile)


October 17, 2018

Dear Between the Bars,
I saw the last time I wrote to update the blog. It's been about five years. I was in a situation. I'm no longer in Wynne Unit. I am in:

Stiles Unit
3060 FM 3514
Beaumont, Texas 77705

I arrived here after I was brutally beaten in what the administration said back on August 21st. I took at lot to the right side of my head. It was either the result of my being kicked or being pushed so hard on the back of my skull, near my right ear up to the temple. I've got a series of stitches there. Also, my jaw was wired close and a medical plate had to be used to replace the broken right eye socket, which I am still recovering from.

I was on C3-1 Row, 16 cell. They moved me up to 1 row, 6 cell around midsummer due to the heat. I was without a cellmate when I arrived back in 2015, as of July, after I had spent numerous years on Texas death row. To bring you up to current conditions, I spent from August 21st (a day after my 59th birthday) and sent (don't know how) to John Sealy in Houston/Galveston till the third of September. Then I was sent back to Wynne and placed on B-Wing seg for the nine days I saw the building major, who didn't understand why. He decided to transfer me midnight, the 11th of September, to Stiles Unit.

It was raining and, other than me in population, I was beaten by other inmates. They put in a cell with an inmate who I later realized was a suicide nut. I was at 11 Building as a transfer inmate(?). Stiles doesn't have a seg. It's all G-4, G-5 for 36 days. I was constantly harassed by this nut. I'll update about him in the next letter.

I'm now in 12 Building, A Pod, A-section in a single cell. All thanks to Linda Pugh. I am healing form my wounds, but my right eye won't be the same. It was damaged too badly. The socket was broken. They put in a medical plate in my upper check.

I'm in the same building as if I was on death row. Even the 11 Building, if you were me, you would be in awe. It's an exact replica of Polunsky. I am allowed to go to chow down the hall. May I see every other pod, as I'm living in a dream...

I will be sending in more letters. A few religious individuals wrote to me, a bishop. I'm still writing to a priest in Newsburgh, Indiana.

Doing life in a prison cell is ongoing. I was given two life sentences(?).

If anyone wishes to know the daily life I live, you can write me. I'm on Facebook. It's called Soul Sisters, Unlocking Celldoors.

My new address is:
Guy S. Alexander #1996513
Stiles Unit
3060 FM 3514
Beaumont, TX 77705

To all, I will stop here and write another soon. To all, have a good day.


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