Sept. 18, 2012

@Golgotha w/ Lil Detroit

From The Sound Mind by Floyd Smith (author's profile)


With Li'l "D"

XZ -- Alright now. What an honor it is to be in the presence of yet another young prince of our people. New generation rising, yeah?

LD -- I would say it feels good, in which it does on the familiarity side of things. But this is crazy. So many fall and few are able to give back. Not just in general, but on a bigger scale. Put us to work to give back. I like this.

XZ -- That's pretty much what this new generation movement is about: giving back on a greater scale. Look, I know you don't do much talking, so thanks for vibing with us. So where did you grow up out there?

LD -- I'm a traveler, but mostly in Oceanside, California. A small military city in what was known as San Diego, California.

XZ -- I've been to Diego. Love the people, hate the Chargers. (laughs) You spoke on Michigan awhile back. I'm interested if you've noticed a difference between—let's say—the inner cities of places like Oceanside and Detroit. Go Raiders.

LD -- Truth be told, life is probably harder in Detroit given the fact that it's colder. So if you are poor, you're hungry and cold. Plus, the police will shoot you down in the streets and leave your body there. Racism is a huge problem there, just like in the south. As for my Detroit Lions, we beat ya'll and had a better record this year.

XZ -- Deal with you next season, potna. Let me ask you, if I may, how old were you when you go arrested on your way to death row?

LD -- 24.

XZ -- Damn, man. 24? It's becoming a trend at how we are getting younger and younger. Is death row anywhere near what you imagined it would be before you got here?

LD -- Hell naw. I was told that it wasn't as bad as a Level 4 prison. But damn, we ain't got no program. I figured it would be more like the county jail in Diego, not like L.A. county jail.

XZ -- Real talk, no education or nothing. We at Papco like to say there's only two types of death row captives: those waiting to die and those writing to live. Feel me? Man, you know about the African proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child? Well, outside of family, name one thing you wanted from the community that you did not receive as a youth.

LD -- I hate to say it, but my fam was the reason as to why I had less of a better opportunity as a child. But as a man, I became myself for my own poor decisions. The community needs to put more in giving the youth the opportunity to be a child, but steadily educate them with direction. Not the sense of direction where every black child is groomed for low-income jobs either.

XZ -- Now that's valuable talk right there. You can't raise a kid in 2012 with 1950 expectations because you're so right. The youth expects us to teach and expect more out of them. You know, in terms of culture, we can all remember how even the black history parades made us feel magnificent just to be black because we just don't march down the street. You feel me? The sistas strut with those skirts poppin' like the drums, and those shiny horn instruments, the smell of barbecue, and the whole nine. Why can't those moments last beyond the parade, brah?

LD -- Not enough unity in the household. We as black people lost our sense of culture. It's not the youth that are lost, it's our culture. And where there is culture, it don't receive the level of respect it deserves because, before and after the function, respect is invisible. It may be there, but everybody don't see it—if you know what I mean.

XZ -- Segue with me if you will then into Obama and how it seems no black man is ever good enough for us as a people. He's an Uncle Tom and boot licker, and you know all of the other sellout type things we attack our own with. What are your thoughts on that?

LD -- The black culture has to let go of the past and the stereotyping, and work on the household. See ourselves as a family. For those who see that, need to help, mentor, teach the youth the way. The Kennedys—we were gonna have a black president. I like Obama. Let's not get it fucked up. He's paying the low income (blacks) for the misdeeds of our European counterparts (not all). Why do you think he gave all the money back on tax returns, and the $8,000 on the first home buyers? He's trying! Republicans represent the slave owners, the Democrats the slave runner. Wez tired boss!

(both laugh)

XZ -- Real talk, Obama is surrounded. He be up in there chuckin'um with all them fools. First healthcare reform. Then he was like, "Alright, now break bread. Vote yea to share wealth or vote nay on behalf of inequality." They voted nay. I love him for putting them on blast like that. They draw the line at chips, man. So do you think he acts at another term?

LD -- He'll get his second term because the minorities will get him in. I hate using the word minorities.

XZ -- Not to mention the fact that they may need to dig up Lincoln just to debate against the brotha because I can't see nobody out debating him right now. Okay, one more for the youth: what advice could you give a next generation youth to stay out of prison and off death row?

LD -- Find something legal that you are passionate about and stick to it. I like that Lincoln quote though!

XZ -- One day, I'm going to just read off every answer to that question from every conversation. I can't wait to see how it's going to turn out. Ready for this? One word answers, feel me? Let's roll... For or against abortion?

LD -- Against.

XZ -- For or against the death penalty?

LD -- For.

XZ -- You're not alone. If you was invited to colonize another planet, would you go?

LD -- No.

XZ -- For or against stem cell research?

LD -- Against.

XZ -- Did you get a fair trial?

LD -- Hell no!

XZ -- Is racism natural or learned behavior?

LD -- Natural—no, learned. I thought you meant...

XZ -- Does racism still exist in the USA in 2012?

LD -- Yes, even more than we actually know.

XZ -- Is the death penalty revenge or punishment? One word please.

LD -- Revenge.

XZ -- Religion or spirituality?

LD -- Spirituality.

XZ -- Should prisoners retain the right to vote?

LD -- No.

XZ -- Whose salary should be the highest, cops or teachers?

LD -- Neither (should be the same).

XZ -- Is driving buzzed the same as driving drunk?

LD -- No. Buzzed? Hell yeah, it's the same.

XZ -- You surprised me with some of your answers. After the coming elections, I'll compare your answers to the final results around the country. Last one, give back. We are hearing more and more about bullying on college and high school campuses. Cyber bulling online and even behind prison walls. What advice can you offer to the bully?

LD -- 1.) Stop and think, would you want someone to do it to you?
2.) Do onto others what you want others to do to you.
3.) Would you want anyone to do it to your mom, sister, and family?
4.) As a species we do a lot of stupid things, and bullying is one of those things. Each person has to face themselves one day. I hope you face yourself ASAP.

XZ -- I've heard most bullies have been victimized themselves. Someday at Papco, write on this issue in one of our projects. Man, this is the most I've heard you talk since you got here. I'm honored that it was me you blessed. You are valuable, so as it was ended at Golgotha over 2,000 years ago. Lord, take me with you when you come into your kingdom.

LD -- We will all go to heaven. It's what we do on earth now for which we are judged upon. Today you will resign with me.

XZ -- New generation rising!

LD -- Serious, that Abraham Lincoln quote is real.

XZ -- Like I always say, the only person I can see out debating Obama right now is the most beautiful first lady of any country in the history of mankind. Do a fact check, and if anybody find a photo of one more beautiful, I'll back up.

LD -- Not even Lisa Raye?

XZ -- That may require debate.

LD -- Yeah, new generation rising!

(both laugh)

XZYST with Lil Detroit


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