June 11, 2011


by Leon Irby (author's profile)




I, Gary [marked out], being first duly sworn, upon oath, states as follows:

1. That I am an adult male prisoner confined to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WDOC);
2. I have personally known fellow WDOC prisoner Leon Irby Doc# 033802-A, since 1992, when we were both working at the WDOC Waupun Correctional Institution (WCI) Clothing Distribution Center;
3. That pursuant to WDOC Admin. Code 309.155(5) (current Code), Mr. Irby provided me and many other prisoners, Inmate-to-Inmate Legal assistance without charge;
4. On October, 1994, Mr. Irby provided me legal assistance in SXR [marked out] v. [marked out], Case No. 94-CV-450, Dodge County Circuit Court, certaioari action; which judge Joseph Schultz, ultimately ruled in my favor on December 16, 1996;
5. On December, 1995, Mr. Irby provided me legal assistance in SXR [marked out] v. [marked out], Case No. 95-CV-574, Dodge County Circuit Court, certaioari action; which judge Thomas Wells, ultimately ruled in my favor;
6. On January, 1995, Mr. Irby provided me legal assistance in [marked out] v. [marked out], et al, Case No. 95-CV-199, Dodge County Circuit Court, property lawsuit; which was settled out-of-court (date unknown);


7. On and through 1995-1997, Mr. Irby provided me legal assistance in State v. [marked out] postconviction motions to withdraw his guilty plea; Winnebago County Circuit Court, Judge William Carver, Case No. 87-CF-278; ruled against me.

[signed signature of Gary, last name marked out]
Gary [last name marked out]

Subscribed and sworn to before me this [3] day of [difficult to read], 2002.
Robert P. [difficult to read]
NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Wisconsin
Mt. Commission Expires: 10/[difficult to read]

[_-2-] EXHIBIT F 2


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