Nov. 26, 2012

My Quest

From Mindful In Bedlam by Daniel Labbe (author's profile)


My Quest

By Daniel Labbe

Quote of the Day: "Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstances."
Brue Borton

Greetings everyone. I would like to thank those of you who read this blog and find something of value in it. My hope has been to share with you those things that have helped me enrich my life in these most difficult of circumstances. Maybe what I have found useful will be of help to you in the challenges you face.

This is what my life is all about today: giving whatever I can in order to help others who struggle with stress challenges, and the difficulties of life. Too much of my life was spent in selfish pursuits, and I have discovered that true joy lies in compassion and service to others.

In today's blog I am sending out a request. Within the next 2 1/2 - 4 1/2 years I will be released. It is my hope that I will be able to continue helping others and sharing my message when I get out of prison, but as you know, the world at large is not very accepting of x-cons. And I understand that. In fact, it's a reasonable attitude. Yet for someone like myself, this is an unfortunate situation. As of right now I have little idea of how I'm going to succeed when I'm released. I would like to create a career working with people who struggle with life, so I can share what I have learned. I have a message and I want to help others through this message. The message is that each of us, no matter how badly we have messed up or how unfairly life has treated us, has the power to create an amazingly rewarding and fulfilling life. Addiction, poverty, lack of education, mental illness, poor self-esteem, a dysfunctional life or an abusive childhood don't have to mean you are subject to a life of misery or a life lacking deep meaning or fulfilment. I know because all of the above disadvantages are a part of my life. Even more difficult is that I have committed some extremely painful and selfish acts that have deeply hurt others and landed me in prison. All of this is supposed to mean that three is no way a person like me could ever turn his life around. But I have.

If you have been following my blog, you know that I have done the work it takes to change my life and become the kind of person who has something of value to contribute to society. Yet despite this fact, all my work and the message I have for those still struggling may come to nothing. When I am released, I won't have much support and it is unlikely that any employer who doesn't know me and what I am about will hire me. The sad fact is, I'll likely be caught up in the world it will take just to survive. The message I have and my hopes of helping others will likely be lost in the struggle to survive in a world that won't look further than my criminal record.

I am seeking a chance to be of use, to share my message, offer mindful presence and compassion to those around me, and be able to use my experience to help others. If you find my message has any value and would like to see me in a position to share it and help others then I would appreciate your support. If you are an employer, maybe in a drug rehab, half-way house, homeless shelter, outreach program, or a community organizer, please consider giving me a chance in your organization. If you are unable to do this, but know of someone else who would be interested, please email this blog to that person.

My hope is to someday create my own organization, a sort of support group that offers classes and assistance to those struggling with life. My plan is to combine the support group model with internet access to create a 21st Century style program to meet the needs of those struggling with addiction, mental illness, low self-esteem and a variety of other issues and provide them with the skills and support they need to succeed.

I am also recording my journey in a journal called Awakening: Awakening Mindfullness, Compassion and Joy in Difficult Times. Eventually I'll use this journal to write a book. This way people can see that even with the most difficult backgrounds and issues it is still possible to lead a rewarding life.

Without your help, none of this may be possible. If you are unfamiliar with my work, but like what you've read here, I invite you to read previous postings I've put up on this blog. If you believe my message could help others, please show your support. You can offer moral support by sharing comments. You can share my blog with others; if you are an employer in the humanitarian field you can consider employing me when I am released - just leave a comment or write me.

Feel free to ask any questions.

The thing is, I won't be able to do this alone. I need your help. I would hate to think that there is no place for me in the world after I am released. Although my release date isn't for a couple of years, I'm doing what I can to create a strong support system. For this I need your support.

Thank you for keeping an open mind. I hope this blog I've been writing has been of help to you and continues to help you in your efforts to lead a meaningful and rewarding life.

Daniel Labbe W85867
1 Administration Road
Bridgewater, MA 02324.

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