
Activity: 10 comments, 2 favorites


  • Your artwork is nothing short of amazing! You are gifted.
    on Art Work by Charles Thompson Jan. 23, 2018
  • I realize this is post is several years old but your points remain relevant. I’ve recently been thinking about the pro-life movement recently, even more so than usual. We are currently in the annual 40 Days for Life that occurs in the same month that Roe V’s Wade was entered ...
    on In Memory of It All by Charles Thompson Jan. 23, 2018
  • But if these biblical passages are to be used in support of capital punishment, then we should be willing to insist on capital punishment for every offense which is listed there. Kidnapping, blasphemy, homosexuality, adultery, worshipping other gods, premarital sex and not keeping the sabbath; just to touch on a ...
    on In Memory of It All by Charles Thompson Jan. 23, 2018
  • I looked on Netflix and found a program called ‘Death Row Stories’ is that where your interview will air or is it a brand new program altogether? I am interested in watching it, so I will keep an eye out for it. I’ve been reading articles on the Death Penalty. ...
    on Comment Response by Charles Thompson Feb. 14, 2018
  • What a blessing for you to have received forgiveness. What a blessing for the families to have found it in their hearts to give forgiveness. That is, indeed, where real healing is found; not in the act of vengeance and retribution, but in the selfless act of forgiving another their ...
    on Comment Response by Charles Thompson Feb. 14, 2018
  • It’s been awhile since I’ve looked at this site. There’s been some interesting commentary! Like Father John, I would like to address the “Catholicism largely has been a tremendous cover up for child predators” comment. First; The Catholic Church does not have a monopoly on child abuse. Most child abusers ...
    on In Memory of It All by Charles Thompson Sept. 2, 2018
  • The reason why a person would remain a part of the Catholic Church is as Father John stated; Furthering Christ’s work. Blame has been misplaced. If a Bishop, Priest, religious or layman fails to live up to the standards he is preaching, the blame lies with him and not with ...
    on In Memory of It All by Charles Thompson Sept. 2, 2018
  • This thread has wandered off from the subject of capital punishment. This is Chuck’s blog and the issue he’s concerned with at the moment is State sanctioned murder. The death sentence says some people are beyond redemption, beyond second chances, beyond being allowed to live in society. I disagree. People ...
    on In Memory of It All by Charles Thompson Sept. 2, 2018
  • While it's easy to understand why people would seek the harshest punishment possible after a terrible crime, studies cast doubt on whether harsh punishment in general, and capital punishment in particular, actually brings the relief and peace of mind the victims deserve. Contrarily, punishing the offender actually made them feel ...
    on In Memory of It All by Charles Thompson Sept. 2, 2018
  • Bless you Father John, and bless your ministry. Showing mercy to those who do not “deserve” it, seeking redemption for persons who have committed terrible deeds and working for a society where every human life is considered sacred and protected is how we are called to follow Jesus Christ and ...
    on In Memory of It All by Charles Thompson Sept. 2, 2018


  • 7 years ago
    By Charles Thompson on In Memory of It All
  • Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. From France, where the death penalty has been abolished many ...
    11 years, 5 months ago
    By arthurlutz on In Memory of It All