
Activity: 4 comments


  • As I read your poem, the energy I feel so reminds me of men and women I've come to know in Central Prison, in the shelter, or in the hospital over two decades. They have been released from their bondage, not from their trial, and their lives are inspiring. Oswald ...
    on Untitled by X-ray-Robinson Aug. 11, 2012
  • The concept of 'entertaining the devil' is quite true, since so many people believe they are under attack from the devil; yet, this is one of the biggest lies. People who are unable to harness the Spirit within them (or never had it), are simply in bondage to their nature. ...
    on Not to Entertain the Devil by X-ray-Robinson Aug. 11, 2012
  • 2 Corinthians 1 is one of the primary scriptures that drives me in ministry to the homeless, sick and incarcerated (along with Matt. 25), and it's our call to care for the least of these our brothers; He did it for us. This is not unlike Christ's call for us ...
    on Blessed Be The God by X-ray-Robinson Sept. 8, 2012
  • Below is a poem read at a Chaplain graduation: "You feel you are hedged in; you dream of escape; but beware of mirages. Do not run or fly away in order to get free: rather dig in the narrow place which has been given you; you will find God there ...
    on Blessed Be The God by X-ray-Robinson Sept. 8, 2012