
Activity: 17 comments, 14 transcriptions


  • Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Es un hermoso poema, muy romatico y conmovedor. Felicitaniones. It is a beautiful poem, very soulful.
    on Sonrie by Jesus Andrade Jan. 22, 2015
  • Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Congratulations
    on Sonrie by Jesus Andrade Jan. 22, 2015
  • It seems a moving movie, you described it very well, you were also able to describe well how you felt.
    on Blog Post (Feb. 4, 2015) by Raymond Alderman Feb. 18, 2015
  • Hi Ray! I transcribed your post on ‘between the bars’ site. Of course while transcribing your post I also took notice of what you wrote. I believe you described well the feelings you had while watching the movie. Since you did not mention the title I do not know what ...
    on Blog Post (Feb. 4, 2015) by Raymond Alderman Feb. 23, 2015
  • I transcribed your poen "No Silence". I think it is a good poem. I wish you all the best! Alberto (Italy)
    on No Silence by Timothy J. Muise March 24, 2015
  • I transcribed your poem on the site between the bars. I think it is a good poem. I wish you all the best. Alberto (Italy)
    on No Silence by Timothy J. Muise March 24, 2015
  • Hola Jesus! I transcribed your poetry “Survive” on “between the bars” website. I had already transcribed a poetry of yours entitled “Sonrie” a few months back. In fact I read your thank you message, you are welcome, it is a pleasure for me to transcribe and comment poetries. I am ...
    on Survive by Jesus Andrade April 9, 2015
  • Hola Jesus, I am happy to hear that you appreciate my feed back. I will transcribe your poems again as soon as possible. I live in Italy and as you said it is a very nice country, we have most world monument protected by UNESCO. I am glad to hear ...
    on Survive by Jesus Andrade July 6, 2015
  • Hi James, I read your post on the therapy that sex offenders should have in order to improve and overcome their sexual aggression towards others. The government should do everything so that these people can be recovered and no longer hurt anyone. Unfortunately, few people seem to be interested in ...
    on Therapy by James Collins June 28, 2023
  • Hi I am Alberto from Italy, we can talk on between the bars site if you wish. Regards
    on Hi free people! by James Collins July 16, 2023
  • I am Alberto from Italy. I was very sorry to hear about the bad condition of Texas’s inmates. As you correctly say there should be a change in the way politicians deal with inmates. It's not fair that so many people lose their lives in prisons that are still under ...
    on Texas Prison Might Cost You Life by Charles Thompson Aug. 4, 2023
  • Hi Charles I transcripted your letter, TEXAS PRISON COST YOU LIFE, on Between the bars web site. Regards Alberto Italy
    on Texas Prison Might Cost You Life by Charles Thompson Aug. 10, 2023
  • Hi Perrie; I was very sorry to read your letter and learn of your suffering and then that of your mother. I can understand your concern because I too was operated on for kidney cancer. I had my right kidney removed. I will try to transcribe your letter on the ...
    on What else could go wrong? by Perrie Thompson Aug. 16, 2023
  • Hi James, I am 57, single, Catholic and I live in North Italy. As you told me that it would be cool to learn a little about my country, I will tell you something about it. Although Italy was unified in 1861 there are still differences between its twenty provinces. ...
    on Hi free people! by James Collins Aug. 19, 2023
  • Hi Charles, thanks for your reply. If you don’t mind, I would prefer to corresponding through “The between the bars” site, as we have been doing so far. If you are still interested, I could tell you something about Italy, our culture and language. It can seem a bit weird ...
    on Texas Prison Might Cost You Life by Charles Thompson Sept. 16, 2023
  • Ciao (Hi in Italian) James! Thanks for your reply. I hope you are reasonably well, although I can imagine it is hard living in a prison. I am pleased to hear you like what I wrote about Italy. In the previous letter I told you of the Northen part of ...
    on Hi free people! by James Collins Sept. 25, 2023
  • Hi Robert, I read your post, and I think it is very interesting and expresses very profound and sensible concepts. Re-education is certainly an important part of avoiding a relapse of the mistake made. As we read in your post, re-education is much more expensive and onerous than punishment alone, ...
    on VOTE: to fix it by Robert Outman July 6, 2024
