This man has been being held captive by scumbags. What they are doing is showing the remainder of the prison system in this country how to hold a mans ownership papers. IOW, tehy are slaveholders... The last two paragraphs of this document summarize the exact nature of the evil that ...
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I'm hoping that doing these generates something positive - like a way to respond while you're being held captive inside prison. Like, how the fuck is that even possible!? When we let the assholes that hold prisoners inside then turn ...
hAHAHA!!! That was a good one. You know what's even scarier, Tim? Is when you get free. :)) lol... As a FREE MAN, you are going to be in a position to do and say things that I'm not sure any of these dickwazzles are thinking about. Did I tell ...
Oh, yea, that pleasant fellow named Paul... what an asshole. Anyway, that's 3 today. I'm tired. Stay happy as you can. It kills them to see you pleased with yourself despite all. write soon! j
Tim - I did get your letter dated 4/17/16 - It was a lovely April 20th I had. Lit up in the yard surrounded by leaves left on the ground from last October. Too bad my son won't be able to bother asking for an intra-state transfer. First off, I ...
This is prety awesome. But... do not hunch. Your physical frame commands you to stand upright proudly, and prepare to meet everyones eyes happily and ably. Your time is approaching, and you should think new beginnings, not the unchangeable losses of your past. YOu have dwelt on them enough. Those ...
- WHATEVER KEEPS THE INFORMATION FLOWING. Just because it's not necessarily his, does not mean that it shouldn't be out there floating around, getting read. Tim is not trying to "take credit" for it, Tim is trying to get people to read shit. Instead of being the dumb fucks that ...
To Whom It MayConcern- 1. MDOC systems seek to starve prisoners by denying them essential nutrients like amino acids. They stylize everything after a starch/carbohydrate – leaving many normally FIT prisoners obese. If they have a nutritionist on staff, she's probably locked in the closet with a ball gag in ...
Paul Ryan is bringing 5 new criminal justice reform bills, taking apart our mandatory minimums, parole protocols, & peripheral commissary providers. You know what irks me the most? The idea that 34 million people are NOTNOTNOT gonna wake up tomorrow, realize how wrong they were realize that Paul is right ...
Good then perhaps you can censor Paul's insults. The rules are for. EVERYONE, right? Seems to me Paul's the one attacking - Relentlessly- you've done nothing to siphon his vile away from this blog.... Seems to me you're picking & choosing who gets to be mouthy & insulting.
D--- I can speak up for Tim to say he's extremely honorable guy. I've been to visit him ( I have a bf albeit not an inmate), to discuss the cause & @ no time did I feel disrespected. I still have all our letters u can read to see ...
PS if there was someone wi insider info @ my mans upcoming parole hearing & any intended attempts to kill it, YOU BET I would meet face to face!!!! IDGAF what anyone THINKS it looks like. My man would just HAFTA understand...!
Why yes, yes he does. Don't you just love it? DOC will be eating crow. Heck, they are already. They should just get a clue, concede the demands, and call it a day.
This is perfect. It makes sense. Know why? Because if an entire nation can allow legislation to pass that parents/guardians must keep their adult kids on insurance til they're 26, and they are considered "traditional students" in the student loan department til they're 25, why don't we apply that "unformed ...
& PS no comments from the peanut gallery. U don't know the facts of the case ergo you're in no position to judge.... Shoot even JUDGES are in no position to judge...
So just leave things as they are, Maggie? Cuz we just 'can't do any better'? You think that's a kindness? I'm wondering what they think of that... Your example is legit - for that guy - it's an idea that will work for him, but not all inmates fall into ...
Not many dispute the required incarceration for wrongs committed against society. We just don't want you grabbing our friends junk when you're patting down and squeeze real hard, for no reason. Immature cowboy guards with mental illnesses should not be allowed to handle prisoners. It just makes for bad press. ...
Everything you say is true, & the solutions depend purely on a society that is growing more jaded, angry & vengeful, rather than kind, happy, purpose driven & progress-minded. Prisoners & their problems in relation to society are low in priority. That's too bad; because not all who leave are ...
I also want to say I'm the mother of the criminal & the grandmother of the victim and I don't think violent offenders are all deserving of their sentences. See Tims proposed legislation for violent offenders under the age of 24. Brain science. My son falls into that category. Prosecutors ...
Jim Morrison from Banker & Tradesman, Boston University email addy, Please check your gmail. You sent a PM & I have an answer. Tim has asked for a personal visit. Gmail.
Oh, IC, This guy is perfect. I'll have to figure out how that feels IRL... The fact is Tim, you are not displaying any personal attributes that people on the outside don't also display. In SPADES. If you possess negative attributes, @ least we can ALL AGREE the MaDoc did ...
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I just wanted to say I agree with what you're saying in terms of being heard. It's amazing how many professionals like to opine about the prison experience, when in actuality, you guys in there are the ones truly EXPERIENCING ...
Tim---- I have found more pictures from the walk for inclusion. I'm making double copies. Next time I'll use Walmart - .19 cents per copy. Order right from my cell phone. Worth it & will hold up better over time ... We will be stronger next time. This is a ...
Tim – I'm working on a letter to you. I will try to contact his sister within the next few days. I enjoyed reading this entry .... I wonder what would happen if our lawmakers in Massachusetts we're faced with legislation requiring state to organize and execute a task force ...
Fortunately he can only HAVE ONE GOFUNDME page, and it's been decided that I will be helping his sister set one up for him. No others need to be involved in that, nor can they except to donate. Multiple requests like this are common when a person is worried no ...
Tom--- here is the link to your page. I need to figure out how to get it spread on as many pages as possible. Difficult without a lot of friends. You're not alone in that part. In the last 15 years ppl have become angrier and less friendly than ...
Dear Tim – As his suggested, we will be disseminating this stuff in side the prison and soon..... I hope that your works remain on this site, I believe we will likely be referring back to a lot of the material here, expressly for the purpose of keeping the fires ...
I just thought I'd leave this here. I leave it everywhere I go, a calling card that sums up very powerful human secrets. Prisoner Hatred: The Psychology of Justified Torture in America 2/11/17 Millions of Americans are currently being held in modern day concentration camps on American soil. We call ...