March 31, 2016

Shirleyworld Updates: "Let the Bullets Fly!", Chapter LXXXX

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


"Let The Bullets Fly!"
Chapter LXXXX

by Timothy J. Muise

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pg 1.


More shocking DOC salaries have been released to the Information Bureau of Free Speech Central, we like to call our news bureau that as it aggravates short gimpy trolls who work for the drug program and should think about investing in a security system for the home next year as we hear they may be in danger, just sayin'. Here are some of the more egregious oxygen waster blood money payouts: Our own little Heidi Fleiss herself, Lt. Kim Urine, made a whopping $101,063.68, and that does not count the child support she received from Red-Rum-Face Mugsy the sire of her demon child. This woman does all within her power to bring misery to the system, while working even harder to break up marriages, and the tax-payers must bless her with $101,063.68 - tragic. Another real AssClown here who sucked up a sweet deal - Monday thru Friday, 8:AM to 4:PM - as the "Disciplinary Officer" (what a fucking joke), Lt. David Havent-A-Clue, earned a shamefull $101,631.82 for destroying men's lives with made up D-Reports and the piling on of charges which cost men there freedom. Un-fucking-believable. He actually thinks he is a real cop and in the quiet of the night, when he realizes he is a fake cop, it must compel his anger which he takes out on men who are just trying to do their time.

One of our favorite targets here at free speech central, and all that is wrong with corrections, Sgt. Dwayne Bitch, made an unbelievable $109,502.64! This felon of the toilet paper asswipe robbery conspiracy takes every hospital trip offered and on these trips he abuses the sick and dying to the best of his evil ability. How does this evil bitch get to suck up so much overtime that he makes more than lieutenants and deputies? It is indicative of a much greater problem: these people are thieves of lives and taxpayer money. They ruin any chance for rehabilitation, the system they polute is an utter failure and produces a 50% recidivism rate, but they get to suckle off the teet of the jackal from hell, nonetheless. What is even more shocking, and I cannot even believe it myself, is that Nancy Anchors Away, Chief Legal Counsel for the DOC made a disgusting $154,523.37! This Demonic Oliver Wendell Holms alter-ego made $4,523.37 more than the Commissioner of Corruption, Care-All Wiggins O'Cryin, who stole a sum total of $150,000.00 from the taxpayers of the Commonwealth in 2015. It would be tragic enough if these blood money thieves were restricted just to ShirleyWorld, but they are not. Every joint in the state has these life ruiners, rehabilitation destroyers, and blood money thieves.
NorfolkWorld has men like Sgt Michael O-Mommy (he called for "Mommy" when Donny F. knocked his eye crooked), Commander of their Insecure Perimeter Security Team, who made $95,271.92 as compensation for planting evidence, writing false reports, and costing men their paroles. This fake tough guy has been in morning since he lost his significant other, Tommy "The Penguine" Fecal, but at least he is making enough to drown his sorrows while watching the Chippendales Review at the ManHole Lounge! Even the fake-ass attorney who represents the DOC/ShirleyWorld in my current litigation against them is robbing the state fucking blind. David "Monkey" Wrench earned an unbelievable $105,795, 63!
Crime really does pay in Massachusetts! The cash they shell out to these miscreants in incredible. Our job here is to let the public know what they

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are paying the employees of this true failure of epic proportions they call "Department of Corruption", while working to organize the outrage as best we can! Please join the team!!

It has been reported to Free Speech Central that the contractual addiction services provider for the Department of Corruption, The Corruptional Recovery Academy (CRA), will be investigated by the Inspector General of Massachusetts, The Office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts, as well as the Office of the United States Attorney. The investigations are being conducted due to formal complains which were made detailing the misappropriation of funds for the CRA Programs. The impetus for the formal complaints was that one of the gimpy internet trolls who ran his pickle-puffer too much pissed off the wrong people and those people let the powers-that-be know that the CRA troll was manipulating statistics through their Graduate Maintenance Program.
The details of the complaints will be kept secret until after the investigations, but one lesson should be learned; "If your pussy mouth writes checks that your weak ass cannot cash, you will be forced to have a day of reckoning." The Corruptional Recovery Academy has refused to release any meaningful success tracking statistics, as contractually obligated, and the majority of the staff who are employed at MCI Shirley view the prisoners in their program as subhuman. These staff members not only treat men with disdain, some actually interfere with rehabilitation and treatment. One dry-drunk in particular believes that his has some type of Napoleonic power but that fals belief led to the reports of misappropriation of funds to the various government agencies. Papa Chubby did not see that coming! We will keep you posted on the investigation and will reveal more information as our spies inside the program uncover it.

We are pleased to announce that the 2016 ShirleyWorld "Reassignment Bitch" Award has been given to none other than Mr. Dirty Pee-Pee himself, the Ayatolah of Dry-Snitch-Ola, our very own Lt. Shameless Peckerwood! Congratulations, Shameless, as you have made Rubber Stamp Wry-On's "Fools Watchlist" and will be assigned to the SMU and/or the HSU at her whim. You may even be stuck back in a truck to become the highest paid "Fence Checker" in corrections history; earning $116,294.17 in 2015. You have large toilet paper toting shoes to fill with this award as the 2015 honoree was the Asswipe Swiping Clyde Barrow of Corruptions Sgt. Dwayne Bitch who earned a fully undeserved $109,502.64 in 2015. Assigning Lt. Peckerhead to the HSU, where there are weak and dying prisoners, is just another example of the infinite Corruptional wisdom of the suits here, but what are they to do with a fool like Shameless? He is such a fuck-up, and the brunt of all his peers jokes, that he might as well just give in and eat that hollow point! Congrats anyway Shameless!

More To Come....



Replies (2) Replies feed

ZuzusPetals Posted 8 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
Good thing I can type 70wpm.

Timothy J. Muise Posted 8 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

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