Feb. 22, 2017

The Norfolk Chronicles

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


by Timothy J. Muise
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[Drawn image of a dog rearing up behind a barred gate]

%50 recidivism rate? What do you expect? When you make prison about "poking a dog with a sharp stick for years" what do you think he/she is going to do when you let them out of the cage? They are going to BITE someone! The DOC makes damn certain that society is bitten by the prisoners who leave their abusive care. We here at Free Speech Central like to let the know we will "MAKE YOU FAMOUS" when you engage in your abusive treatment regimes. We will post your blood money salary. We will tell you secrets to the world. We will expose all that you do to destroy public safety. People like our "Recreation Officer II "Janey's got a gun", who gets paid $88,980.97 (2016) to stop flag football and destroy the Over 50 work out program will not Conduct their deeds in secret!

[Cartoon image of a studio microphone]

To my loyal readers who saw the Free Speech Central "Fake News" Story last week about The Free Speech Warrior being on WBZ Radio with Dan Ray, we apologize. As you all know the gestapo like to read the blog and get a heads up on what we are up to at the Free Speech Department, so every once in a while we have to send them on a wild goose chase. If you tuned in to WBZ and were disappointed, we are sorry, but we know you will understand that the tool of misinformation is an important one (look at the election of Donald Trump) and we can't let the DOC be the only one to use it. Trust and believe, we will be on the radio, but it will be in the near future. Himmler and Goebel had to take time off from the K-2 Task Force and Home Brew Patrol to tune in to WBZ to listen for "Freedom Bombs" that may be dropped. Sorry guys (and gals) maybe next month!

[Photo of three chickens in a field in front of a fence]

Our sources here at Free Speech Central inform us that our infamous Food Services Director "The Green Chickenhead" (he of the $73,247.64 a year salary) was quite upset when the Iron Hand of our Military Deputy Tee Bone threatened to do away with all "sugar" in the gulag. There has been so much Home Brew around that Augustus Busch has filed a lawsuit for corporate monopoly law violations. The Head got so upset, not because sugar substitute is so expensive, but because he thought he may be ordered to get rid of all the sugar in his "tank" (which, needless to say; is quite a bit!). The Head's hissy fit compelled G.I. Jane to back off. Score one for The Head! Hey Head, Thanks for the waffles!


What should be a real "shock" to any hard working taxpayer is that the Big Con Hater himself, the overtime bandit of the greater Norfolk Region, "Reese The Fleece" was paid $89,703.92 in 2016! Boy is the juice flowing thru this hard wired con hater, blood money juice! It's amazing that the Department of Corruption lists him as an "Industrial Instructor III" and all he does is try to take work away from cons so that he can fly his Ben Franklin kite key up to the overtime lightening bolts that the taxpaying Gods offer for him. Is he plugged in? Does he have his wires crossed? He may seem quite AC/DC to many here at the gulag, but when it comes to state teet sucking his power is on. We hope he don't switch up on us, or go from 110 to 220 in the hatred department, but we hope that he will be a conduit of change for the turbine of rehabilitation once we make him famous in cyberspace. He may be no Edison, and he surely has Tesla turning over in his grave, but his generator of blood money cranks out plenty of power in the weeping to your other brown shirts department. You can count on The Fleece to whine loud, loud enough for Free Speech Central to hear him, and he is right; this is getting out of control! Don't bother us with the weeping. Just stop con hating, try not to tell on your fellow workers, and be glad your "connected" to the "outlet" of free state money. Charge up your batteries, tighten down your wing not connectors, and warm up to the fact that con hating is not for the Brown Shirts. Leave that to the tarnished badge wearers Fleece. You can go from "The Bad Electrician" to the "OK Electrician" with a little old humble silence and appreciation for the prisoner workers. Shock us with that Fleece. See you on the next connection!


After some real hard work by the Norfolk Athletic Committee the gulag agreed to let prisoners over 50 years of age use the gym from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday and Fridays. You see each day the WallyWorld Gym closes at 3:30 p.m., even though the "Recreation Officers" are there from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. when it reopens. So basically they get to "sleep it off" from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. As soon as the Head Jock Strap Recreation Pig "Janey's Got A Gun" heard that the older cons would be interrupting "nap time" he went bonkers. He "ordered" his subordinate Jock Strap Coppers to stop the geriatric gym guests to be kept out; at any cost. Now the taxpayers dolled out $88,703.97 to "Janey's Got A Gun" in 2016, and he feels he is well within his rights to earn it with his feet up on the desk dreaming of his Glory Days of Hoop Dreams at Token High School. He squashed the Football League here, demanded that Volley Ball nets be returned early, and now cuts off the access for older cons. Hate much? I should say so. These old NorfolkWorld hangers on have to be sent packing. It is his ilk, his fake cop ass, that create future murderers. His is a true Athletic Supporter and his actions smell just as bad!

More To Come...

[Photo of actress Drew Barrymore accompanied by the caption:]
"If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul." DREW BARRYMORE

[Image that reads:]
It's about dreams.


Replies (5) Replies feed

Gypsyskye1954 Posted 8 years ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years ago   Favorite
I see how busy you've been sent u a card today, I don't hear from you??

Paul Posted 8 years ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years ago   Favorite
Anyone with even a nodding acquaintance of your blogs know that what you write is 'FAKE NEWS CENTRAL'

Have you never paused to wonder why the vast majority of people who transcribe or comment on your drivel disappear into the ether never to be heard from again. It could be something to do with your constantly harassing and scamming folks.

And this latest attempt to appear clever........at least get the gentleman's name right. It's Dan REA! And the only people you inconvenienced are your 'fans' Everyone else, certainly Mass residents including DOC employees, know that his program is 'NightSide with Dan Rea' and it runs from 8 till midnight weeknights. Unlikely to be interviewing you at 9am.


Timothy J. Muise Posted 7 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Timothy J. Muise Posted 7 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

ZuzusPetals Posted 7 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
I just thought I'd leave this here. I leave it everywhere I go, a calling card that sums up very powerful human secrets.

Prisoner Hatred: The Psychology of Justified Torture in America 2/11/17

Millions of Americans are currently being held in modern day concentration camps on American soil. We call them "prisons". Prisons are being ran "for profit" and have become torture chambers and "legalized" slave labor camps. Similar to Germany during the Nazi regime, Americans have been "trained" through media sources to look the other way, continue in complacency, mind our own business, and remain apathetic. We have naively believed whatever they, the prisoners, receive, they deserve.

In an ego driven society, where personal gain and self preservation is cherished above consideration of our neighbors, whether we know them or not, projection, scapegoating, and superiority are the "ego defenses" used most often when directing hatred toward prisoners. It is how we justify the torture of millions of people, whether they are guilty or innocent. We do not stop to consider the aspects of "guilt versus innocence", "crime", or "authority".

In order to justify the torture of millions of people, held in these modern day concentration camps, called prisons, we project onto them everything we hate about ourselves (projection). Whatever quality of ourselves that we "secretly" hate, we see it perfectly in prisoners. Therefore, we believe, "whatever they receive, they deserve".

Even as we project our self hatred onto a group of people we deem as worthy of hatred, we say to ourselves, they deserve to die, or be tortured, or suffer, or be locked in a cage for the rest of their lives, they are less than human (scapegoating). We become sadistic abusers.

And after all, we are the "superior" group (superiority). We believe we deserve all good things and they don't because they are less than human, less than deserving, less than worthy of love....etc.

Because we blindly trust "authority" and are taught to "worship" "authority", we do not consider if the prisoner is innocent or guilty by doing our own research of the "crime". We really do not care; our ego needs someone to hate and blame. And, we do not consider if a "crime" was even committed at all, as in "conspiracy" charges. We continue to project, blame, and criticize. We do not consider what the "crime" is...again, we need somewhere to place our self hatred.

We need someone or some group to be our "slave" so that we can keep up our superiority ideals. We need someone or some group to oppress so that we can feel good about our intelligence, our college degrees, our material possessions. We need someone or some group to place our "hatred" on so that we can continue our denial systems, our lack of accountability, our own slave mentality.

"In Deep Love and Eternal Kindness",

Angela Clemons, LAC

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