April 16, 2016

Department Of "Corruption" Gestapo Show their true Identity

by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


By Timothy J. Muise

On March 23 the Department of Corruption truly displayed who they are when they came in the middle of the night and lugged Timothy J. Muise a wellknown prisoner rights activist. "Lugged" in prison terms mean that they place him in handcuffs, tossed him in a transport van, and brought him to solitary confinement, of the "The Hole", at MCI Norfolk.
Muise's crime? Exercising his constitutional rights and speaking out against the DOC.
The DOC made some false claims to justify their actions, and those claims are truly unbelievable. They allege that Muise was involved in "a plot to build a computer'. Now anyone who knows the prison system knows just how unbelievable and untenable these allegations are. There is no doubt, none whatsoever, that this was a pure set-up.
The real reason behind the lugging of Tim Muise is that he had defied the wishes of the DOC and organized meetings at the prison with members of the Legislative Harm Reduction Caucus. These meetings, one which took place on October 23 of last year and one on February 26 of this year, where Phase I and Phase II of a three phase effort. The final Phase would be prisoners traveling to the State House to testify as "experts' before the Public Safety Committee. At the conclusion of the February meeting the Caucus deemed the men who participated "experts" and unanimously agreed to bring them into the State House to testify.
One of the main focuses at the heart of the Phase I and Phase II meetings was the failure of the DOC to do their 'job', that is to rehabilitate prisoners. The state produces a 50% recidivism rate and the men afforded the Caucus members specific reasons for the DOC long-standing failures. The men who presented to the Caucus also had some rock solid solutions, but stated clearly to the Caucus that nothing could work if they, the lawmakers, did not make it 'job one' to change the guard/warden culture.
The DOC has become nothing but a jobs program, for state employees and cares absolutely nothing about rehabilitation and public safety. This negative exposure prompted the DOC to show their true colors and act to silence Muise and the efforts to exercise his constitutional rights. Such behavior by a government agency should be abhorrent TO ANY FREE SOCIETY!
To find out more about this situation, and to help expose the gestapo tactics of the DOC, please contact Muise directly at the address below. Please excuse the lackluster construction of this document. It was typed on a broken down DOC issued typewriter deep in the bowels of "The Hole" in the modern day gulag.

Timothy J Muise W66927
MCI Norfolk
PO Box 43
Norfolk MA 02056-0043 ~~ PROTECT FREE SPEECH!! ~~~~


Replies (2) Replies feed

ZuzusPetals Posted 8 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Oh, yea, that pleasant fellow named Paul... what an asshole.
Anyway, that's 3 today. I'm tired. Stay happy as you can. It kills them to see you pleased with yourself despite all.

write soon!

Timothy J. Muise Posted 8 years, 8 months ago.   Favorite
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