Thursday March 7, 2013
Dear Cyberbully,
Good morning! And thank you very much! I really appreciate your support at trying to stop these rants on my blog. I'd love to expose her and show her neighbors, boss, kids etc exactly what she's doing over here. And if she doesn't apologise, you will get your answer about who she is, 'cause if it takes a lawsuit to get an apology and stop her lies than no doubt this will make the news and get a lot of publicity. We will see what happens in the next few weeks. I just got tired of all of her lies. I can't put up with liars. Not even if they're financially supporting me as was the case with Kryssy (the woman who lied in the magazine article about visiting, marrying me etc). Anyways, thank you for your assistance in this. I appreciate it. Please take care.
In peace + love
Ronnie :)
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Replies (4)
Are you sure they´d share your opinion?
My impression is that a majority of the American population would find her comments completely ok....?
do you know SAH?
If not - how do you know she "is the kind of people that wouldn´t help a person in need of help"?
I mean, I´d like it better if she wrote her comments in a more moderate way. I think she´s absolutely entitled to see Ronnie in a critial way - no one will only find people who like him or her. But I don´t like the way she often writes and I guess she can guess that. Criticizing should be in order to help another person to improve but not to simply hurt.
But I don´t think one can automatically draw the conclusion that SAH would not help anyone in need of help just because she obviously doesn´t like Ronnie.