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Comment response

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson

Urgent concern regarding civil commitment of sexual offenders

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by John Peana

Georgia Department of Correction: Hopeless but Scared

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson

Comment response

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Guy S. Alexander

What's Pride Got to Do With It?

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Dymitri Haraszewski

Who are the elderly in our prisons?

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Robert Outman
July 24, 2024

Nate's News, 11 July 2024

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | From Prometheus Writes! by Nathaniel Lindell
July 24, 2024

Many Americans in the government and our society are living in hypocrisy

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by Jennifer Johnson
July 24, 2024

Good Riddance Biden

Read more » 1 reply | Favorite | From The Novelist Portent by Johnny E. Mahaffey
July 23, 2024

Form letter for civil commitment

Read more » Leave a reply! | Favorite | by John Peana
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