March 16, 2013
by Kelly Jones (author's profile)


March 13, 2012

"If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you're always going to be disappointed." --Madonna

Dear Readers:

Howdy! Well... it's been a boring couple of weeks. Nothing has been going on (at least nothing I can type about). Just the usual boring crap.

I still haven't had my hearing for the "shot" I got and I hate the waiting 'cause that's always the worst part. I'm getting along better than I expected here in Virginia unit, and greatly enjoy the company of my friend Dawn. It's very hard to find someone else that you can cut up with -- especially for me.

There was another "girl" here who went to the Hole and got out today. She is a serious mess. I'm told that she's a chronic masturbator and loves sending "copouts" (Requests to Staff) about other inmates, often making up stuff that isn't true in order to get them in trouble. I've been scared to death to speak to her 'cause Goddess only knows what crap she'll make up about me and I sure as hell don't need to go to the Hole again for nothing.

The Wicca group has been going OK since the evil one has stopped going, and so I have been attending. We have a holiday next week -- woo hoo! That bitch still has my crochet job, though.

Speaking of which... I have a ton of yarn still to go thru. And yet, of course I want some more! My locker is pretty full, but I can always use more black and a few other colors. Just having one skein of a color does not cut it.

My friend, I'm told, has another $500 loan check to send me and about $70 of other funds, but it's been several weeks that she's held on to this and still nothing. It can be very frustrating to get her to do something. People just don't realize what a jam you're in when you're in prison and have no outside help. Can you imagine someone holding your pay for a month because they just can't seem to get around to sending it?? Plus, even after she sends a CASHIER'S CHECK to the BOP, they'll put a 2 week hold on it which is RIDICULOUS. You can buy a house with a cashier's check and it clears instantly. I think the BOP is holding the funds to collect interest on our money, which certainly seems not kosher.

Other than that, there's not much to report. Still waiting for Spring as it's been fairly chilly here. I can't wait for the ornamental pear trees to bloom!

Love & Blessings,



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