April 27, 2013

Comment Response

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)
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Comment Response
(March 15, 2013)


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Saturday March 30,2013

Dear Schneehase

Good Morning! I received you comment's Thursday. And its always great hearing from you. As you can tell through my letters and blogs, Im feeling better. That depression and suicidal thoughts are gone. I'm thankful for that.
Look, I have real anger issue's with and toward's God. I admit it, I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic. But when I was a christian, I was a true christian. Yes I felt something. I credit that to placebo effect. But you've read by now my first part. How the Bible destroyed my faith. You should have read fear. How christian's used Hell to scare little kids. Im not going to post any more of that, We don't agree, and we never will on religion. Man is evil and there 's no way intelligent creator would put salvation in the hands of man. And mt 12:40 Jesus said he would be in the tomb 3 night's. The 3rd night is no there. Nor is the 3 days. I never could get past that, nor the other problems that I ran into. I just can't. And alot of crazy people have given their lives, David Koresh, Jim Jones just to name a few that their followers died with them something that I didn't like was the bible being inspired by God, yet taking 20,30,40 years to be written. that was done as an after thought. But it is what it is. I can't change it.
Many shall hear the messenger, but few shall abide in the message. "If" I'm wrong I will have plenty of company. For even Jesus said "Away from me you evil doer's I do not know you. Matthew 7:15-23 and Matthew 25:31-46, so many self proclaimed christian's are not truly follower's of christ. For Paul said "I have been crucified with christ and I no longer live, but christ lives in me." How many of these so called christians are truly living as christ did? I haven't ran into but maybe one of two red christians in my whole life. For christians cannot continue to live in sin once they have received the knowledge of the truth. Hebrew's 10:26-31 see also John 2:4 The man who says "I know him" but does not do what he commands is a liar and the truth is not in him" Verse 6 states, "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did" see also chapter 3 verse 6 no one who lives om him keep's on sinning, no one who cotinues to sin has either seen him or known him." Which goes back to those self pro-claimed christians who christ said he would reject in Matthew 25:31-46, yes I know about John 3:16 but what about 17-21. Living in the light. Yes many shall hear but few shall abide.
Me-I'm one without faith. And the one thing you and everyone get's with me, is honesty. I could pretend to be a christian and preach the word. But I can't be phony. Although I do feel compelled to write about christianity, I don't know why, but I'm feeling pulled in that direction. Which you may see. I don't know. Anyway's my friend, I'm going to wrap this up. I've got a lot to do. I heard I got my visit's back, now I'm hearing I don't, I don't know. I'll just have to see. Maybe I'll learn more this week. Please take care of yourself and write soon.

In peace, love and friendship


Replies (3) Replies feed

Schneehase Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Dear Ronnie,
yes, I have read "Fear" and also all those comments - at least up to my own last one. As you know I´m open for discussion in general and I consider it completely okay if people disagree with me, but that´s always a matter of style. If debates can´t be done in a civilized manner, then I don´t have any sense in having them.

Religion is not the only topic where it seems you can´t discuss with most people - the death penalty, for example, is another one. I have no idea why people start getting aggressive against others who "dare" not to follow their arguments...Is it a feeling of power when they´re trying to insult the other one? Or is it a painful experience they had in the past?

Why do some people feel the need to come with arguments like that spelling of Korea? THAT was indeed a "crappy argument"...
On the other hand, me saying I wouldn´t change my mind about faith was no argument at all, it was just a statement of fact. ;-)

Well, no matter...I for my part never needed to call others "whatever-bashing idiots" and I never will. In fact, among my friends, there are more atheists than Christians and my best friend, as you know, is gay (just to say; as it was one accusation against religion that it says homosexuality is wrong).
A little funny is, obviously those words were meant to prove faith wrong....in my eyes, they did exactly the opposite. How often did Jesus tell his followers the world would hate, attack, slander them...?
(And in my case, it´s not only people who are against religion that do that, but also strictly conservative Christians. Did you know that, considered exactly, I´m excommunicated because I don´t believe that women shouldn´t be priests?)

Well....I told you I wouldn´t follow your blog any more. I made an exception here...but no more in the future.
And PS: The one who finds mistakes in my spelling and grammar may keep them. ;-)

Schneehase Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Maybe, as I´m commenting on this one blog entry anyway, I should take the opportunity to just get a few things right....

Even American secret services did take North Korea serious, as they said in the news....
they´re simply not sure what exactly that dictator possesses, but they seem to know THAT he does.

Hitler was NO Christian. He was probably christened, as an Austrian at that time. But he confessed a man named Georg Schönerer as his hero; who demanded getting rid of the Jews and racial segregation, and an ethnic-racist German culture "as a substitute for Catholic Christianity".
And Hitler even had new "Christmas songs" written which had no relation to Christmas anymore but praised his ideology of motherhood etc.
Doesn´t really sound like a Christian to me.

Stalin, by the way, even was a candidate for priesthood...Being a Christian once doesn´t mean being it your whole life.

Schneehase Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
It´s not proven that near-death experiences are simply a last reaction of the dying brain, to be exact, of the God-spot.
A part of scientists believe that, but there are also other scientists - even such who first also believed that - who think completely different.

Nope, God doesn´t need us on our knees; he doesn´t need us at all - loves us, but not need us.
I personally believe (and it´s completely okay to disagree!) that he wants a close connection.
If he always did everything without being asked, men would simply forget him and take everything for granted.

The Genesis was probably never taken that literal as it is today by evangelical Christians. I think the main meaning is to tell that the earth didn´t come simply from nothing.
But apart from that, I believe the big boss wanted to spare us too much knowledge - about good and bad - because it was clear that if we knew we would do bad things. We´d loose our innocence. And as there can´t be anything bad around God, he simply wanted to protect us from having to leave him.

Where would the world be without crusades and burning witches?
Well, question vice versa: Where would Kambodscha (I intentionally took the spelling in my own language) be without Pol Pot who tried to kill all religious people as well as all intellectuals?

Hope you´re not angry that I tried to give an answer to the things that seemed the most important to me.
I do like your letters and also your drawings since you don´t paint skulls anymore ;-) and I´m looking forward to your next letter.
May you and all who comment here (even the ones who dislike me) have a good time and I´m sending good wishes for everyone´s further life.

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