Nov. 11, 2013

Comment Response

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Little Boy thumbnail
Little Boy
(Aug. 27, 2013)


October 2, 2013


I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed my poem "Little Boy". Life is often dark, depressing and a daily struggle. Is our struggles worth it? Only we can decide that. For that's up to each and every individual. We can all have the exact same experience, and handle the situation differently. One may take a negative experience, and turn it into a positive, whereas the other may allow chaos and madness to take over one's existence. Which I did. Why? That's a question I often ask myself. Why? Don't have the answers. My life collided with chaos as a young child and continued to spin out of control. My advice, grab on to a strong foundation, and brace yourself in this madness we call life. You take care of yourself and be good.

In Peace + Love
Ronnie :)


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