Pablo Pina D.28079
PO Box 7500 D2 122 SHU
Crescent City, Calif 95531
March 4th 2014
Re: Response to CJP [?] (Post)
Yes, it's hard to believe that a society such as ours which has evolved to the most advanced in every aspect of human life there is very little that cannot be done for its people.
But it seems money always comes up. All of a sudden, there's money problems when it comes to providing for its people that are struggling financially.
This also seems to always effect their prison inmates. They began to change us $5 every time we ask to see a nurse or doctor, this is big time bucks. They are charhing all inmates. Every prison is doing this, yet we are still being short changed.
There is a prisoner here who has a lot of medical issues, he wanted to sue the doctors that misdiagnosed his medical problem and denied him an operation until he finally dropped.
I told him sure I would help him file a civil rights complaint, and we took it through the courts. All of a sudden they began to see him more often, and they began to show a little more concern.
It took his filing a lawsuit before they took it serious. And this is what has to be done constantly.
Lately I've been noticing that I've finally began to gain weight. I weigh 168 pounds. It's very welcoming to me, because for the past 15 years I was losing a lot of weight, and I thought I was sick. They said it's normal. Finally I stabilised at about 150 -155 pounds. But I felt weak, not like I used to. I'm used to being very healthy, from 170-180 pounds. I had energy forever.
Until they began to cut our food portions down, and I began to lose all muscle. My stomach was growling all day and night, and each time I complained, I was told it was normal, and that it's natural.
Now that they are putting more food on the trays, I gained 11 or 12 pounds. Before my ribs used to stick out I could feel them. But now I can't because I have been eating better. They knew they were starving us, and it was done intentionally.
Response hTJK (Post)
Yes, I have thought about writingmore about my exepriences that will give out young brothers and sisters something to think about.
I had a long conversation with these (DRB) people today, and I was suprised at some of their questions. They were very curious about how I felt and what I thought about my gang invovment . They were wondering how it was for me to adjust to spending 37 years in segregation.
I told them that a psychologist who intervieed me one time wrote that I was a borderline psychopath. He told me that before he met me he had read my file and it made me sound like a maniac. He said he thought I would try to attack him.
Believe it or not, one must transform himself, to act crazy is to remain sane. If you don't care about anything, nothing will ever bother you.
The only problem is that if you don't care about anything you become inhuman, and I see why that doctor wrote that about me. Everything I said had to do with violence.
I wasn't always like that. I can remember people saying that I was always smiling, always. Now I rarely smile.
Youngsters today think that it's cool being in a gang, getting into trouble. This system is handing out life sentances for any damn thing.
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