What I say :
Seen parole commissioner to Monday! She gave out a 24 months recall time ...
Wisconsin is a coldest state... gives out practically no parole grants!!
By : Leon Irby Dated : April 27. 2015
INTRODUCTION: "Prison officials are more criminal than those they incarcerate", Below, p.2...
Prison Legal News March 2015
"Screening out family time: The for-profit video visitation industry in prison and jails cover story "Is someone skimming money or otherwise charging your loved ones high fees to deposit money into your account?" Contact www.stopprisonprofiteers.org
"Video games captive audience by killing off family visits, jailhouse phone companies have found a new way to make a buck off of inmates, "by Tim Murphy mother Jones.com March-April 2015 p. 10 #keepwondering 1 of 2
What I say:
Prison life day by day in Wisconsin state prison system USA! Inmates don't ask for inmates things!!! They tell!!! Every darn inmate things!! inspiration: wdoc.com 24/7 snitch line. By : Leon Irby Dated April 18.2015.
Tell me what I say: Top.com stories "Real life : what it's like to be a transgender teen" source : teenvogue.com April 2015, p.22 xoxo!!! #keepwondering By : Leon Irby Date : April 18,2015
Legal News April 2015 Wisconsin: Lori A Larue, a former employee of food service contract at the dodge county jail, pleaded guilty on June 9, 2014 to one count of second degree sexual assault. A second felony count was dismissed. An investigation determined that Larue, 46, had been carrying on sexual relationships with two prisoners in the jails kitchen. She initially claimed she had been assaulted by the prisoners but was too afraid to report the incident, however evidence of the inappropriate relationships came from the jail phone transcripts which indicated Larue had made at least 50 sexually explicit calls to the prisoners. She was sentence in November 2014 to seven months in jail and five years on probation and will have to register as a sex offender". PLN 2015 April, P68
By : Leon Irby Dated : April 19, 2015
What the H---!!!
"Oregon prison guard union sues mentally ill prisoners" Oregon officials claim 16 percent of its state prisoners are "mentally ill"... of the 14,500 16 percent are "severely mentally ill". Commencing in 2013 the prison guard's union began suing these prisoners for money damages who allegedly assaults prison staff. According to "Mike Van Patten, an Oregon state penitentiary (OSP) sergeant and president of the Association of Oregon correctional employees (AOCE) "in part to" hold them accountable". Naturally, poor prisoners cannot afford to hire attorneys, severely "mentally ill" prisoners cannot competently represent themselves in court!! Thus, the current count it "10 to 15 resulted in default judgements"... failure to fie an answer and defence to the civil complaints ; others are yet pending. Thus for the guards have collected no money. But the Oregon State Legislature is currently working on a bill to allow prisoners' institutional accounts to be garnished.
Source www.prison/eoa/news.org Prison Legal News April 2015, P.P 38-39 (PLN April 2015, P.P 38-39) Statesman Journal, The Oregonian, www.kgw.com #keepwondering
By : Leon Irby Dated : April 19, 2015
Pussy Riot Power !!! More! More!!!!! Update :"Comradely greetings: the prison letters of Nadya and Slavoj by Nadezha Tolokovikova and Slavoj Zizek (Septmber VERSO) What happens when an imprisoned Russian punk rocker (Pussy Riot's Tolokonnikovo) and Slovenian Philosopher become pen pals? Turns out they talk a lot about revolution, democracy and Laurie Anderson."
My Prayer : Let the universal commune support out wonderful, beautiful and too brave comrades in our prayers and by all means in our peoples power! Amen without end!! Please buy this book (Pearls!!) !!!Pearls! See : inthesetimes.com August 2014 p.23 vogue.com July 2015"Enemies of the State" by Sara Corbett P.120
By : Leon Irby Dated : April 20, 2015
Let's Give Em Something to Talk About : ADULT CONTENT Update : Pussy Power!!!! "It's your brain, scientists know that touching (or even thinking about) any body parts lights up a corresponding area in the brain, but it wasn't until recently that researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey found that significant real estate is dedicated to the clitoris and just thinking about clitoris stimulation activates the same area in the brain as physical stimulation does. which may explain why some women can think their way to orgasms."
- By Elizabeth Siegel Allure June 2014 P.120 allure.com
By : Leon Irby Dated : April 20, 2015
That's What People Say:
"Men are not punished for their sins, but by their sins, cause choices have consequences". -Elbert Hubbard
"In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers ... five fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress" - Booker T. Washington
"Nothing exists except atoms and empty space, everything else is option" - Democritus
"You can never trust an atom - they make up everything" - As told by Kerry Bishe funnd joke from a beautiful woman - By Nate Hopper Esquire.com May 2015, P.42.
"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil! - Hannah Arendt
"People call me a Feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute" - Rebecca West
"The man who discovers a new scientific truth has previously had to smash to atoms almost everything he has learned and arrives at the new truth with hands blood-stained from the slaughter of a thousand platitudes" - Jose Ortega Y Easset
By : Leon Irby Dated : April 23, 2015
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