Papyrus Collective
April 3, 2017

Not Guilty

From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)


Not Guilty

1. There is a common phrase that:
*The death penalty kills people who have been accused of killing people as a sentencing punishment, and to deter people as the condemned population continues to grow, of more people to be killed. Literally waiting to be killed.

2. An eye for an eye, yet two wrongs don't make a right?

3. In spite of vigilante laws, capital punishment executions remain fundamentally based solely on vengeance, huhmm, revenge.

4. The pen is mightier than the sword, yet isn't the needle used for lethal injections nothing but a simpler version of a sword? Laced with killing agents mightier than the ink dripping form the cylinder of pens used to write humanitarianism into the social fabric of civilization? Any proposition written to maintain the death penalty is a proposition in favor of the might of the sword.

5. Being found guilty and being made guilty are clearly two different things, especially when prosecutor misconduct is evident. Anyone found to be more guilty should by law be found not guilty and set free.

6. There is no law to steal from people accused of theft. There is no law to punish by rape, those accused of rape. There is no sentence to turn drug dealers into drug addicts and forcing them to experience the same harmful effects they may have caused on society. Yet there is a law to kill people who have been accused of killing someone.

7. In California, for every one person on death row that lived above the poverty line while in society, there are ten people on death row that lived below the poverty line while in society. And with a condemned population nearing almost 800 people. In fact, it's the largest condemned population in the entire United States. California's policies on poverty is clear: to state its position on poor people.

8. With the California condemned population nearly reaching 800, a common observation of reality provides that one of the few differences between prisoners on death row and prisoners on the mainline generation population throughout the state is that people sent to death row refuse to accept deals offered by prosecutors, where maintaining one's innocence can literally cost a man's life.

This poses a larger question as to the realistic number of innocent men and women on the mainline in prisons because they are forced to accept deals that sound and feel, "appear to be" better than death. This is mass incarceration from the inside of fearful minds required to choose dying in prison or being killed in prison.

Pleading not guilty is therefore the epitome of freedom of choice, deprivation. Therefore, dispelling the myth that from start to finish, a life of crime is a choice.

—Xzyst (exist)


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