Coronavirus... At Robertson Limit
To: Apr. 8
Where do I begin... this is April 7 2020... I am well health wise... its crazy we watch TV are everyone outside these walls either have been affected or some have even died due to this virus... I see this as when I was out. Death row its like I waited 22 1/2 yrs to die is that what this coronavirus is... Again... I don't understand... these guards who work here get to leave... go home... be with their families then come back here?
Most don't realize the workings of a prison so let me give you a mental picture we offenders as they call us... don't wear masks as you see out in the world... the other day they racked us up after we walked to the chow hall... now we are now seated 2 at a table... then we're sent back to our designated wings... but lately they been having ojt's officers who are being trained... they line us up as an instructor explains who we are.. but they "pat search" us with gloves on and now a "makeshift mask"...
I am beside myself when you see on TV that "crowds" are obselete... in prison its only for one side...?
Now most days go smoothly then you have these ones I call them grey suits... we offenders wear "white issues" they do whats called "cell searches" but here they're touching your cell... now I understand they were gloves but there is a 99% percent chance a infected person can not know they're infected?
A virus is what you touch or as you touch your face, nose or eyes after a guard was done a cell search but its not just I-Guard, they've been having oJt officers go in the cell so you have not one but 5... who knows what they touch or do in your cell? They don't take off the gloves they just worn in one cell.. oh no they use the same in every cell? Do they issue a protective mask no... they send a necessities officer to throw under your cell door a nasty dirty piece of cloth they call it a "cell towel" we're supposed to fold it as we walk back & forth from chow or anywhere, but here is the mask [arrow pointing to a drawing of a surgical mask] the guards mean... but who are the ones there supposed to protect ...not the offender as they say?
I can write books & books out the so-called TDC Violations... everywhere you go you can see... & hear too... but I got a letter from my friend in Indiana last night feather John... I'm in the prep by answering it... but I do realize ones read these words, I'm wanting to hear from anyone... my adress is:
Guy S. Alexander #1996573
Robertson Limit
12071 FM 3522
Abilene, Texas 79601
Or right here at Between the
2885 Sauford, Ave, #30428
Graudville, MI 49418
the only method I have is snail mail to write letters... I want input on what I write if you hve a opinion I like to hear about it, I can answer than Btbs?
I will continue this in a later date... April 8th is today!
Guy S. Alexander
5687 is my code
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