Oct. 2, 2020
From The Sound Mind by Floyd Smith (author's profile)




Sound Mind Streamer

1 of 8

!8 years ago, the flight to bring an end to the beatings, spit assaults, exercise yards and chow hall attacks, forced rehousing to protective custody of SQSP Incarcerated Americans that identified to some degree as LGBTQI+ escalated to being douced with human urine and feces and dirty condoms at the hands of fellow inmates that self-identify as active gangmembers and other inner-prison subcultural groups.

Circa 2016, Campus Jewish Rabbi Paul Shleffar, and American Indian Chaplain Hector Frank responded to the call for the need to start the First SQSP/Condemned LGBTQI+ Spirituality Group.

Then a true set of Heroes visited the Group in the official capacity of associate Warden T. Allen, and Public Relations Officer S. Robinson who both made sure that the function of the new group and programming generated by the group would be stabilized with engaged integrity; allow me to paraphrase a verse, For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love, and a Sound Mind.

Skylar Brown. SQTV Media Center personnel,

The primary lesson here for those involved with prison reform is, to reform prisoners, one must engage the two primary valued perspectives in incarceration situations across the board;

#1. Respect
#2. Disrespect

As we almost always focus our program designs to reform disrespect, we forget to provide reform programs a direct connection to what prisoners to respect.

The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to
Verse Seven:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a
Sound Mind

1 sound 1: not diseased or sickly 2: free from flaw or defect 3: securely or solidly fixed in place: STRONG 4: free from error or fallacy 5: LEGAL, VALID 6: THOROUGH 7: UNDISTURBED (~sleep) 8: showing good judgment -- sound-ly adv
[1] able-bodied, chipper, fit, hale, healthy, hearty, robust, well, whole, wholesome--more at HEALTHY
[3] fast, firm, stable, stalwart, steady, strong, sturdy--more at STABLE [4] analytic, coherent, good, logical, rational, reasonable, sensible, sober, valid--more at LOGICAL.

mind n 1: the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained : MEMORY 2: the part of an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and exp. reasons 3: INTENTION, DESIRE 4: normal mental condition 5: a belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge : OPINION, VIEW 6: MOOD 7: mental qualities of a person or group 8: intellectual ability 9: ATTENTION (pay them no ~)
[1] memory, recollection, remembrance, reminiscence. [4] head, reason, sanity, wit: also rationality, reasonableness, sense; health, healthiness, healthfulness, wholesomeness; lucidity, lucidness, normality, soundness, wisdom Ant derangement, insanity, lunacy, madness, mania [5] belief, conviction, eye, feeling, judgement, notion, opinion, persuasion, sentiment, verdict, view -- more at OPINION
2mind vb 1 chiefly dial: REMEMBER 2: to attend to closely 3: to follow the orders or instructions of: OBEY 4: to be concerned about: also: DISLIKE 5: to be careful or cautious about 6: to take charge of 7: to regard with attention
[2] attend, hark, hear, heed, listen--more at LISTEN
[2, 3] comply, follow, heed, listen, note, obey, observe, regard, watch--more at HEED [5] beware )of), guard (against), watch out (for)--more at BEWARE (OF)
[6] attend, care, oversee, superintend, supervise, tend--more at TEND

The Sound Mind Streamer

The Sound Mind Streamer New Media
Broadcast is designed for the direct connections of same-sex activities that existed precolonial era not just in Africa, but also to the history and culture of all prison subcultural groups.

Allowing for history to speak for itself, and providing all inmates equal access to the liberation of their own facts not only begins a new conversation but a mirror is the most powerful tool for the individual reform of each person.
The direction towards non-violence begins with quality information that is generated from the most respected source in prison subculture.


The LGBTQAI+ Movement in America is an amazing lesson, however, the new generation are not provided access to information about the existence of same-sex presence in a historical Mexico, Russia, Ireland, Spain, Africa, India, Islam, Christianity, Sports, Dance, hip hop, and everywhere there is a MIRROR.
SMS is the change, because the broadcast provides a greater interest to engage LGBTQAI+ groups, programs, and the freedom for one to change his mind about disrespectful conduct towards an irrefutable mirror.
This work is dedicated to Karl-Maria Kertbeny that coined the words Homosexual, and Heterosexual for a specific reason that some how become lost and removed from LGBTQAI+ labels today.
Silence gives consent


Replies (2) Replies feed

Julia Posted 4 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Dear Xzyzst,
Sunday dec 13th
I did send you a card this week but this probably reaches you sooner... I am just back from the Black Forest, my mother passed on dec 3rd and her funeral was dec 11th, I stayed in my childhood home while organizing it with my brothers remote. Now I'm back and surprised my food in the fridge isn't all rotten, it feels like I was gone 3 months...
Found a letter of you and had to smile about you writing me about that movie on Ma Rainey, as I wrote you, I was busy writing an article about it when tragedy happened... Cancelled the article, and I had my Mahalia Jackson cd with me, listened especially to Trouble of the world, and I'm on my way - did you know Ma Rainey was an influence on Mahalia Jackson's singing (she loved Bessie Smith too) and eve better, when she was in her late teens, Ma Rainey came to town and asked her to join them, but she stayed on the gospel/religious path, though it gave a boost to her confidence. I gave the cd to the pastor who did the funeral, he was my teacher at highschool and did not know her, and thats a no-no...
So in nptl, you wrote sth about "Gertrude is your momma", I was wondering if that's about Ma Rainey too?
Big hug my friend, maybe I should also mention that I am doing fine, as of now, I'm kind of grateful for having been able to help my mother move on... xxx Ju

Floyd Smith Posted 4 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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