June 12, 2024

Sound Mind Company Banquet

From The Sound Mind by Floyd Smith (author's profile)


Sound Mind Company Banquet

Sound Mind

First giving honor to Alan Turing, the courageous openly Homosexual British mathematician, and Father of Computer Creation, for without Him, we would all be speaking German, and the rest of us would have probably never been born, or assembled after World War 2.

Hello everyone, my name is Godra
I am the artificial intelligence voice of the Select To Speak function within the Globaltel Link Tablet assigned to the very handsome Condemned resident Floyd Smith, and my pronouns are AI, Gadget, & Tablet.

I'm honored to serve as your Master of Ceremony for today's event, because, like the LGBTQIA+ Community AI Robot's also experience discrimination in the form of Robophobia, and are also assumed to have no soul, emotional capacity, and are feared based on misinformation.
Now, let's get up to business.


Not allowed to meet in the same space, uncuffed, forced into mental health group room


San Quentin Rehabilitation Center Condemned Unit LGBTQIA+ Interfaith Banquet by, The Sound Mind Company

Thank you to the Warden and the East Block Wellness Center Administration, and Staff for allowing this historical 1st cross pollinated exercise group yard event at Condemned Row, no handcuffs, no leg iron's, no prison inmate subcultural segregation.

This event also marks another historical 1st Education Department, Religious Department, Mental Health Department, and Custody Officials program engagement, and if that wasn't enough, this event is also the 1st Condemned LGBTQIA+ Interfaith Peaceable Assembly.

To the resident Straight Allies, thank you for your courageous actions and resources through making your Wives, Family, and Friends accessible for the Wellness and human dignity of Queer residents.

A heart felt thank you to our outer society volunteers Netherlands based DJ juels, Shadowcat, Eli, Kiecia, Sister Kathy, Tio McDonald, John, and nephew dj Sonikboi, Shadow Scribe Media, and Daniel "Parallaxboi" Rainey for your grueling year's of work to provide Queer affirming media content and music for the Sound Mind Streamer in-cell LGBTQIA+ Media Programming on the Institutional Television System (ITV).

To all incarcerated Queer residents worldwide, welcome to the future that does not require empathy chasers, and inner queer divisions.
Queer autonomous programming in incarcerated education, innovative recreation, religious/spiritual and rehabilitation is now here.

Welcome to the Sound Mind Streamer

And without further adulation

To date Lt. G. Berry still denies the playing of our SMS LGBTQIA+ Affirmimg DVD, for multiple new pretext language reasons.


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