April 6, 2023

Comment response

by William Irving (author's profile)
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Comment response
(Feb. 4, 2023)


Reply ID: 7ixt
Hi Lisa! Or is it Liv? For the record, my nickname is Will. Thank you! Your reply was appreciated. "It's not motivation to keep posting when few or no one replies." I'm not comfortable or liked at this prison, which means I don't like writing here. But I post these for you:

Close Kept: For Liv
For a trick of words a turn of thoughts think
Smiles here to sun only for you as may—
To fall a time in-step entwine our way,
award of these words well worth more than ink
To brain our paths 1-trail, this rides tips brink
and souls onwrought platonic thus shall splay
To open up wholehearted—ground lays
on solid foundation of Truth here winks
Like blown kisses wish to kiss umpteenth wet!—
Come! how I'd be awkward w/out thee here
A lover who holds the poem astute
For a trick of word!—She makes me poet
asmile!—I sun for Her as best thy years
Will give me step-per-step thy words reboot—

Wm. Irving 3/4/23


Wha's to Stop Us?
When Love lets WE! face-to-face unbinded
No restraint of word nor touch drawing nigh—
a kiss—a lick—then, nigher til both both
Who's to say no, when we both lose and find
Ourselves in the other's bliss of binding
wound well around, what we've freed bears no sigh
of distrust—or—discuss from burning by
at length and widthening this closeness hind
Afore We were emancipated touch—
When lets We! be as golden as love songs
Wielding us to brace a stay unbreached:
Sometimes I want to touch you and be touched
To enter the no return of unwrong
And who's to stop us! from feasting plum peach?

Wm. Irving 3/2/23


More /the / Greater

More than a little lubricated by—
And—by, Love is by far great as Grand can
More than a play of words; trick of thoughts try
Those that love, as I! can relate firsth and
To extend oneself by-and-by at length
Partkaing to elevate must be done—
I mean! sober—or—not, I'd go in depth
Greater til Grand of strength, 2 must sum 1.
You love Her when you hold Her greater than
You! Because she is more/ tha/ greater Grand,
Never/ the/ less: She is "Perfectly"—and I!
Because I am flawed, blue collar—but, can!—
I love Her, and hoist Her as Love's stern toy
More/ the/ greater never/ the/ less is Grand!—

Wm. Irving 3/6/23


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