Why is it Important to stay in school?
Hello my name is Jennifer Johnson. I was living in poverty,
by the age of 23; I had four children out of wed-lock.
All I knew was welfare, food stamps, and wic program.
Why did my life end up this way? Because I lost
hope when I became pregnant in the father of my baby
said this is not my baby, which is the norm for
our African american men as it appear. Prior before
that I had a job at Mcdonald and was a Private
1st class in the Army JROTC in New Jersey. I was
happy until I start sneaking around with men
that drug deal or older than me. I begin to
party all the time. This lifestyle lead to one bad
happenstance after another. Some men can make
you feel so bad, mines started after I came out of my
mom would through my stepdad. So I already
had low self esteem, men preyed on that.
Because I had open wounds that fester like poison
ivy that led me to do things like hanging out with the
wrong crowd of people. That didn't have my best interest
at hand. I became the pipeline of incarceration
with a life sentence with possibility of parole at the
age of 23. While hanging around my homegirls
that I would have gotten in trouble earlier but
my moms stop me from hanging around them with
me becoming the product of incarceration, I beat
myself up because not only didn't I finish school,
now I am not going to be able to raise my 2, 3
newborn baby and left with a circumstance
surrounding a deceased baby that was 4 months
I have a lot to face and too much to wrap my
head around. I had my 24th birthday in diagnostic at
a state prison in Georgia. Am I going to admit I have issues
that I need help with or try to continue on a road to destruction?
There was a muslim chaplain who grabbed me placing
me in her group. She gave me words of wisdom. Chap told
me I was a beautiful young lady even though I fail
for the enemy plans. I can correct whatever mistakes
that cause me to be in prison. She said do you know
how you are going to do that. I said no, she said do
you have a GED? I said no, ma'am. She said you
have a second chance to get your education.
Chap said you need to get it because your going to
need it whenever you hit society. Once again she
said you are beautiful, you might not feel that way
because so many people have torn you down, my
But I am here to tell you are somebody special and
hold your head up, stop walking around with your
head down. I never told this lady anything about me
but she was a angel from almighty God that sent
her to me. So when I go to next prison, I remembered
her encouraging words. I never wore
makeup at home. I begin to take color pencils and
begin to do my makeup daily. I kept my hair fixed
up knowing that I was somebody special in spite of
my circumstance. I know how it feels to go through
as a child. Since I been in this world people always
mistreated me, lied on me, setting traps and picking at me
as if I am nobody.
I even had adults who withheld things from me
even though I was deserving of whatever it was.
I want all my children all over the world to pick
yourself up, because you are somebody special.
One thing nobody can take away from you once
you have earned it is your education.
I went back to GED school. I graduated with honors.
Then I found myself taking vocational classes where
I earned certification in Residential and Commercial
Plumbing, Associate of Hospitality, Business Technology,
and Customer Service, Culinary Art, has many OJT-
Sanitation-Janitorial, data entry, line server, prep-
cook, sewing machine operator. Then I find myself
enrolled in Ashland University. Just graduated with my
Associate of Art Degree. Currently working towards my
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business communication. I was
already double minoring with business management
and sociology. I was suppose to graduate December
but I decided to take up a third minor of Business
administration. I have a eligibility Parole reconsideration
for October 2023 at the age of 48 years old. The reason
I am telling my age because some people will wonder
what is her age today.
I will continue my education upon release because I
am trying to get my doctrine degree in the mental
health counseling. But I am headed in the government
and business world. For the Summer of 23 I made
the dean list for Ashland University with a GPA of
3.7525. I am proud of myself and self esteem is
better than it has ever been and my attitude is way
better as well because I have learned how to carry
myself as a lady of eloquence with passion and
gracefulness for others. Prison has taught me many
things that was worth the time. I have grown into a
beautiful lady on the inside and outside that is
for society.
My speech to the youth don't wait to you become
a pipe line of juvenile, jail and prison to pick
yourself up from where people have mistreated
you and damage your identity, pick yourself up
now, right where you are. You are worthy today to
change direction knowing you are somebody special
and you are created for a purpose on this earth. When
I look upon any child on TV or when I go out to society,
I see future doctors, lawyers, judges, congress women and
men, governor, our next presidents. Babies you got
look farther to future. You can shape your own life
by what you put into your mind and who you keep
company with. Adults teach the children to love
themselves as well as others. Sometimes teachers,
the neighbor, strangers has to help these babies to get
on the right path. For most every child under the sound of my voice
please get your education because its worth it in the
end. If nobody told you babies that they love you
today, I love you babies. If nobody has told our
our little mens they handsome, I am telling our little
mens I see alot of handsome men out there,
look in the mirror in say to yourself I am fly,
yes sire I got going on. For our little girls I see
a lot of beautiful little women. Look at yourself
in the mirror say to self I am beautiful on the
inside and outside, say to yourself I am sexy
and beautiful woman. Jennifer Johnson loves all
of you babies. Know you are somebody special
with a purpose on earth that don't include drugs
a early death, jail, prison, juvenile detention - I say
to self I have a real destiny but these things are
off limit above.
Written by Jennifer Johnson
Noted to my present and future faithful viewers. I want to
thank you for continuous support. I humbly ask for help during
these tough times. All donation of any amount is desperately needed
and greatly appreciated you can forward all donations to my
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