Jan. 23, 2012

Comment Response

by Battites Wesley (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Dearest Nieces Cherokee, Cream, Lil MeMe thumbnail
Dearest Nieces Cherokee, Cream, Lil MeMe
(Nov. 28, 2011)


Reply ID: a6ee
Date: 1-8-12, 7:08 pm

Dearest Niece April,

I received your comments from BTB on 1-6-12 and as always it was great to hear from you! May God bless us all this new year! Amen!

Thank you for explaining the name cream! unk, now understand! I also understand the dates on the top of BTB comments are not the date that you left/posted your comments. Now I feel much better knowing that I receive my comments left for me in a timely manner!

Have you see my latest post to re-elect President Obama? Today (1-8-12) and yesterday (1-7-12) I listened to the Republican's Mitt Romney, Rick Sartorum (he's a racist and should be exposed and called for what he is!), Newth Ginrich (not liked by most of the Republicans), Rick Perry (Gov. of Texas is so illiterate and it's a reflection of the people in Texas. Who'd elect someone as ignorant as their governor!?), Tim Hunt (don't even know why he's there), Ron Paul (is the one and only Republican candidate that said the real issues concerning the discriminating practices against minorities in America and speaks from his heart!).

Mitt Romney and the rest of the candidates keep holding the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution as if the Founding Fathers were for fairness and equal treatment for all people, yet when it was written, we as Africans here in America, were abused, raped and murdered and forced into slavery! So the writers wrote the Constitution May 1787 and, on September 17, 1787, they signed it. And the words weren't meant for Indians (Native Americans) nor Africans here in America.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Now to hold them up as the perfect example of fair and righteous men is a misrepresentation of them, instead of calling them exactly what they were: bigots!

Surely the Constitution is an important document today! But more Amendments should be added to it to correct the wrongs that were put in it when it was written in the 1700s. This is the 2000s, 300 years later! It needs to be updated. And if the people of America cannot see the Republicans are strictly for the rich and not for the middle class nor poor, their votes for the Republicans are votes for further oppression for those that have very little as is! And the so-called Tea Party showed and expressed their racist hands when they showed/painted signs of Obama as a monkey and compared him to Hitler and Satan, and misled the people at those town hall meetings!

The government doesn't want me out. They know I'll come out and shake America to its core with my knowledge and empirical observation of what they did and are doing! So re-elect Obama, and he will do better the second time around!

My dear niece, just a few words. Bye for now.

I love you!
Uncle Cheese


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