Feb. 7, 2012


by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Retaliation/ Deprivation

Today is January 25, 2012 Wednesday 10:37am. The Administration just did cell moves. They have moved every one off of 4 left, bottom down here, except me. So there's 13 empty cell's. I asked if I was going to be moved, they said "Nope their still pissed at you." But I heard you will be moving soon. I'm not sure if that means to #4102 that deprivation torture chamber they constructed, or what?!

I can tell you this, I and extremely paranoid being over here by myself. For I don't have any witnesses, they can therefore do what they want to do to me. I do not like this at all. I am worried about them setting me up, but now even more so. These people have already shown me that they have no honor or integrity about them. No, I do not like the feeling of this at all! When the guy's were packing up to leave, they also said this doesn't look good, how their isolating me over here by myself, with no witnesses. I'm not the only one that noticed this.

These people are something else. My only real protection, is keeping the outside world informed on what's going on in here, it's the only comfort that I have. I believe it's the only thing that scares these people. Cause they are clearly still pissed off at me. They did not like me doing that media interview back in August 2011 where I put them on the spot about some of what's going on in here. They only wrote bogus DR's placing me on Hightened security in order to deny me access to the media. They denied the last media interview that I tried to set up back in November. They did everything they could to try to shut my other blog down. They actually succeeded by causing a riff between my friend that operated it and I. Which is why I'm now blogging over here. I will not back down! I will not allow some bully tyrants, to put fear in my heart to stop me from writing about them and exposing what's taking place here. There's only one way to stop me, they got to kill me. Other than that I will not be stopped. I can't speak my mind and say what I wont out loud do their rules and possible verbally disrespecting them. But I can put this pen to work and say what I want to say under the constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Their playing hard, their playing dirty, I already know they don't play by the rules, I've seen them lie, assault inmates, hell they've threatened me many times. They even jumped on me back in 2003 February 7, right there in the medical clinic of R-Dorm. I do not under estimate what they will, and will not do. Their capable of murder... they murdered a death row inmate back on July 17, 1999. So I clearly know what I'm dealing with. I know they are capable of stepping way outside the law in order to shut me up. It's a scary though... I'm in the hands of my enemies, who clearly believe they are above and beyond the law. And they are from what I've seen. But still I refuse to back down, especially when I'm in the right. I've worked within their rules and regulations, within the law, and within the constitution. And they can't stand it that they can't instill enough fear in my heart to stop me. That's because fear motivates me!

Their to stupid to realize that. Fear... fear can kiss my ___! cause fear will not conquer me, it will not deter me! it will not stop me! They could have resolved this by coming to me and talking to me face to face, and negotiating. But they tried to bully me. Scary me into submitting to their will. It didn't work. It wont work! Oh I get scared. Only a fool or liar says he had no fear. But I will look fear in the eye's, and I will over come it.

I need me and army of supporters to stand by me. to assist me in accomplishing and winning this battle. The more support I get, the more they will fear me. and the more likely they are to back off. I do realize this is no game. Bit I've fought too long and too hard to turn back.

I just wanted to get the word out on the latest that's taking place back here. Thank you for allowing me to share this. In peace and love ronnie


Replies (2) Replies feed

kimberlita Posted 13 years ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years ago   Favorite
Ronnie, just to say that your new blog site is great - top of the line for bloggers. Professional. Are you doing ok? What is your penpal situation? Sorry to hear about the demise of things there at UCI, try and keep your spirits up. I wish you the best as we all do, keep posting and take care. One thing they can't take away from you is your mind and spirit, hang on to that - you can do it. Hope your Mother is doing well, share with us how she is.

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
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