"Extermination under the Mantle of Justice"
What is taking place is America's death chambers is premeditated murder, like no other. No, not even the most heinous serial killers, put their victims through what Florida, and other states put their victims through, as they are murdering them under the mantle of justice.
We make a lot of excuses, "look what he or she did!" Okay - so you drop your standards, you throw out your humanity, you become what you despise, you become the sick twisted barbaric inhuman person by adopting murder for murder.
Think about this, you hold a man or woman in captivity for ten, twenty, thirty years with the imminent imperil of death hanging over their head. You decide one day that it's time, I'm ready to kill this individual. You pick the year, month, date and hour that you want to kill this person. And 30 to 45 days before this date, you let the person know that on this month, date and time that you're going to take his or her life. Not only do you let that individual know, but you let their mother, father, brothers, sisters, children etc know that you're going to kill their loved one, and there's not a damn thing they can do to prevent it. Imagine that's you - your loved one, child etc going to be exterminated under the mantle of justice, and don't say it can't happen, 'cause all it takes is one foolish mistake riddled night of drugs/alcohol and being with the wrong crowd, and here you sit, awaiting death. Anything can happen. And the only way to avoid extermination is to be wealthy.
Picture this, you are a guard. You sit with this inmate, you get to know him or her, you see they're human. You witness the interaction of their family and friends, you witness the tears, the heartbreak of a mother, father, children, as they are seeing their loved one, who is scheduled for extermination. And here you sit, paid by taxpayer dollars, to witness and participate in this inhumane barbaric act of killing another human being. I personally could not do it. I could not participate in inflicting pain on that individual's family. I could not sit with an individual for 30 days counting down and reminding that person every day that you have 29 days to live, 28, 27, 26, 25, you have a week left, 24 hours. No - it is beyond barbaric and inhuman. This type of killing, "extermination" is sick! Demented and twisted beyond the realm of humanism!
We are human, are we not? Then where is our compassion and mercy for our fallible man? Where is our understanding of our own imperfections, and those of others. For you without fault, cast the first stone.
Taking the actions of two wrongs making it right, goes against everything that humanity should stand for. We need to take a new approach on this exterminating human beings under the mantle of justice.
In peace + love
Ronald W. Clark
December 10 2012
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Replies (6)
Rot in hell. I hope they never execute you so you can sit in that little cell and be miserable.