May 1, 2013
by Kelly Jones (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(March 27, 2013)


Thank you so much for your comments. I really appreciate it and it's great to hear from you. Plus, you're in Belgium! Wow! I just don't expect anyone from outside the country to be interested in prisoners in the U.S. You asked what a G/W/M is. It stands for Gay White Male. I'm not a woman!! OOPS! At least not physically... I am one at heart. I think a mistake was made in this life and i plan to be reborn female. Trust me, lots of people make that mistake and I've gotten mail addressed to "Ms. Kelly Jones" all my life.

You sound like a really cool person who has lived, and is living a very interesting life. I would be very grateful to hear from you again. I loved your saying too. I hope people who read my posts like my quotes (or at least appreciate the fact that i put some in for fun). I love good quotes and I have a notebook full of them (usually they're a bit on the "saucy" side). :)

Anyways, thanks again and i really appreciate your support.




Replies (12) Replies feed

bbilodeau16 Posted 11 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
It's been a while, Kelly... What's up?

is your life somehow as hectic as mine? :-)

I had lately on Thursday a funeral from my second mom, Clementine. 90, but oh so nice.
I took care of her wounds when she had made a fall on the street, last summer, and we remained good friends!
Well, she is at the other side now. ;-)

I've to start to make up my texts for my writing course,at the end of the year. Still to correct one text and make a resume from an essay I chose and make an evaluation of this new year. What did I learn?

We read our proper texts together with a guitar class of youngsters while slides of art made by youngsters were shown.
3 activities together thus.

My text was "i'm a mountain". Of course written in Dutch or Flemish.

I've to make myself ready to visit George in Illinois, Galesburg.
I asked extended visits coming from so far!
Wonder if I will get the 6 hrs a day?!

I'll visit him 6 times in June and 6 in July.
On the "rd of July is his PB (....) and only in September we'll know the outcome!
Let's hope for his freedom! -smile-

I read you love chocolats, right? ;-)
Well, Belgium has one of the finest chocolats, did you know?????

My saying for today is: 'Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have waited centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.-unknown-

and: 'You don't have to be tall to see the moon'.-African poverb-

And:'Leadership is action, not position'.-Donald H.McGannon-

Make the best of your day, Kelly! :-))))

Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
correction: the 3rd of July.. when i'm there!

Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Here I am! I am waiting for your comments, Kelly... When do you climb in your pen?! ;-))
Anyway, i can tell you what's up here, eh.

Today we celebrated Maria, my direct neighbor; she turned 85! Quite a lady! All the block people came, except of an older lady, who's health doesn't permit it anymore.It was fun!

My youngest daughter who lives in San Diego, could(???) go for a new term to Sweden! It is not sure yet.

And I make myself ready to see my soulmate in Illinois. I could (?) have 6 hrs instead of 4. Wonder if they will give it to me?
I know it is a long time to sit still, especially for George.:-( I can walk to my hotel afterwards.But he wishes it. -smile-

Can you tell me about the music you like, Kelly? I'm in the Van Morrison music lately.

The saying of the day: Wayne Dyer says:'When you lead your daily life, you've to have the inner knowledge that everything shall go as it is supposed to go'.

'Remember that you don't have to fight...
That you don't have to win...
That you only should know...'

'Know how to be content and satisfied, then you will stay strong for a long time'.

Take care, Kelly! A hug from Rita

Rita Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Hi Kelly, today you'll get this! So better inform you about things.

I didn't get a letter from George in Illinois (in prison) since more then a month! They withheld his post (probably?) for some or another reason. :-o Maybe because they realise what he wrote on his blog? I've not a clue!
It is very bizar, since he didn't even answer me telling him that I come to visit him!!

He can't answer me on the blog itself; not everybody can... You have more posibilities!:-)
Besides that i've to write my writings for the jury!The writing course, remember!Still a lot to do!! Then on the 18th of June I fly to Illinois. I asked for extended visits. Perhaps i get them? I can visit G. 6 days in June and again 6 days in July.I am so pleased to see him!

My sayings now: 'Intuition is a quality of the mind that doesn't explain anything, but only shows a way'.- Florence Scovel Shinn, American metaphysical

'To keep a dairy is a voyage to the inner life'. -Christina Baldwin, American writer

'To understand is difficult. Once we do, acting is easy'. - Soen Jat-sen, Chinese politic

Beye for now. Enjoy the best you can, Kelly. Big hug from Rita

Rita Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
How is life, Kelly?
I hope you manage and can handle things.

It's been a while I was writing you.

Well, I did my last class day in the writing course. Literature, remember? :-)

What I've read in your profile you like novels, no?
What book are you reading right now, if I may ask?!
I love to read!!! But so little time for it now.

Busy making my suitcase and doing the last tasks before leaving my country.

Hey, my ex will remarry in September.

Do you get visits at times, Kelly?

The saying of today: 'The one who walks in a gentle way comes far'. Beautiful!

Take care, Kelly! Hope you are happy.

a hug from Rita

Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 7 months ago.   Favorite
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Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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Rita Posted 11 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hello dear Kelly,

nice to read all your friendly messages!
I really hope you got my letter?! Probably you did, by telling me those things you read.
Anyway you saw then my face. :-)

Kelly, a person who reads is a better person. He learns from reading.
So you are faxcinated by queens's lifes? Can I send you photos of royal families? Would that be a great idea??
Right now I am listening to Celtic music; it is so very peacefull and the teksts are deep. Mysterious at times. Me too do love music from the 70ties!!
I also like jazz and reggae! A dancer, yes.. even without a photo of you, I see a dancer in you. It's more that I feel the dancer in you. ;-)

Never any visits, Kelly? Do you have any family out there? Never know that I come to visit you, eh? When I am living in America perhaps?
That would be something, eh?

On the 26th of September i'll know if George is free?!The time is reaching!...

Can you borrow novels in your library, Kelly? Or do you order them, or is somebody ordering them for you?
Yes Kelly, always escape through books towards places you like. That is excellent for the mind. People who can't travel, can still travel by books, it is said.
And so it is!
It is taking care of oneself; I would just do the same!

Well Kelly, I failed in my course of Literary Creation. 4 people of our classes did. My written literature wasn't good literature. It is so difficult to write literature!! :-o
It is a call,to me. But I will follow workshops, having to do with literature and poetry, that's for sure!
I registered myself in a Dutch group, going to France. A course about writing. They canceled it because of not enough members...

Lately I went 3 times to the Ardennes. A quiet time in nature, near the Meuse, a river.
I got to know some people there.
Suddenly my quite time could change! If George is free, I will travel to Chicago, but at first go to our youngest daughter and the family in San Diego. Spending a rather long time in the States. :-o

I always enjow wise quotes, Kelly, yours too!! :-)

Here is one or two more.
'Fear not to have a narrow home, fear to have a narrow heart'.

'The heart sees deeper than the eye'.

'In the midst of the winter, I ultimately realised I had an indestructable
summer in myself.' - Camus

'The goal of life is self realisation. To develop completely one self's nature- that's the reason each of us is here'. - Oscar Wilde,(1854-1900) Irish writer.

Kelly, I visited George in Hill Correctional center, IL and before it was in Menard, also in IL.

I was on this blog writing to a Mexican man,Frederick and he probably is free by now? He was excited and scared to confront again the outer world. He got indeed 100 dollars and a ticket. To San Antonio in Texas.
He hadn't any help either. His parents are poor. But he got a half way house for a while.

If really necessary, he would go somewhere for homeless people. But never ever return to a prison!

hugs from Rita!

Rita Posted 11 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Yes, Kelly, my ex Karel (he lives in Argentina) and me are now good friends. We are the parents of two beautiful daughters. ;-))

I guess I'll send pictures -if I see them!- of dancers and choreography people, Kelly!

be blessed, Rita :-)

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