June 1, 2013
by Robert Thrower (author's profile)



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for those who have hungered for, who
have dreamed of, a whole different
world, with out the madness &
torment of what this system brings
every day, those who have dared to
hope that suck a world couldl be
possible & even those who, up to now,
would like to see this, but have accepted that this could never
happened, there is a place % a role, a
need & a means, for thousands now
& ultimately millions to contribute
to building this movement for social revolvtion, in myany different
ways, big & small, with ideas &
with practical involvement,
with support, & with questions
&criticisms, get together with
this party, learn more about
this movement & become a part
of it as you learn, acting in unity
with othrs in the this country, &
throughtout the world aiming
for the very challenging but
tremendously inspiring &
liberating, &, yes, possible, goal of
emancipating all of humanity
throught revolution & advancing
to a specialist world, free of


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exploitation & oppression, unless we
can break the grop of indentification
with the oppressor, & internalization
of the empire, we can't fight back
effectively, unless these realities
of racism & domestic colonialism
are addressed head on, efforts at
"progressive" or anti corporate
political action against the
sequester with gain no traction, they
will not be able to over come the
"frea factor" engendered by the wave
of state repression that greeted
occupy, capitalism is not "color blind,"
& we can't be either, the way to
build real unity is on an antiimperialist, andto capitalist
basis, this entails a break with the "lesser evil" approach that traps
people in the deadly embrace of the
demorcratic party, obabma has
deproted more people than any presedent in history, obabma's actual
ecomonic policies have been ruinoud
for black people, obama embraces
"free trade," the trans pacific
partnership & the trajectory of
military encirclement of china,
obama is not aptive of empire,


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he is its fromnt man & helmsman,
the antidate to obama is black
liveration, inter communal solidarity,
& anti colonial, anti capitalist
struggle, embracing true solidarity
& the leadership for liberation
forces from communities of color,
comminities of resistance in the
ghettos, barrios, reservations, &
prisons, is necessary if we are to
counter the stratagems of the empire.

Post for htt://betweenthe bars.org/blogs/1491


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irishkitten24 Posted 11 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
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