July 19, 2013

Vengence or Justice Pt. 1

From Thoughts From Behind The Wall by Marcus Harris (author's profile)


Vengeance or Justice Pt. 1

I've been sitting in this cell pondering many things about the legal system and one that stands out is this: Does vengeance on the behalf of citizens keep them safe and is it the best teacher? What brought about this type of thinking was when I saw that a 17 year old was given a life sentence after being convicted of two murders. He then argued that the sentence is cruel and unconstitutional.

It's apparent that his emotions were running high when he was given his sentence and that is normally the case whenever it's a high profile case. Was justice served? That's the question everyone should ask when following these cases or being involved with them. I know what the 17 year old did was wrong, but I can't help but feel that was overdone. There should be something in place for the youth that commit these crimes because locking them up and throwing away the key is not the answer. Do we as a society care what happens to our youth?

Since the 1980's, the prison population has exploded and it continues to do so. It is a dire situation now because more individuals are making money from people's misery. If there was a debate on these issues, I'm sure the American public would reevaluate the current policy concerning these indefinite sentences. When our leaders take a stand on this, the scales will balance themselves. Obviously, when regulation is involved and profits are limited, those in positions of authority will be forced to deal with issues in an ethical and practical way.


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elladanielle Posted 3 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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