July 8, 2014

Dear Readers (6/24/14)

by Kelly Jones (author's profile)


"This is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation."
- Jake Gyllenhaal in 'Brokeback Mountain'.


Dear Readers,

Howdy! Once again my life has gone from bad to worse & I have no idea where to begin.

I'm out a lot of money again due to opening my heart & trusting the wrong guy for starters. A bad habit of mine, unfortunately. I was seeing 'Boots' & care for him very, very much. He was in a jam financially until his mom could send him some more money. Naturally, I offered to help him out until he could pay me back.

Well, the short version of this is that he refused to pay me back. I loaned him 2 flat books of stamps plus 2 loose books & a jar of Folgers at $7.30. I later discovered that "someone" had gotten into my secret stash of stamps and stolen 2 more flat books. I don't know who that was but I do know that Boots knew where my secret stash was. So, this guy got me for 4, and possibly 6, books of stamps plus a jar of Folgers. I need to get "DOORMAT" tattooed on my forehead.

Then, a week ago last Monday, I was sitting in my cell and around noon the C.D. told me to pack all my stuff 'cause I was moving to another cell in another unit. WTF? My so-called "BFF" Raven, the transexual, had filed a "sexual harassment" complaint against her cellie, an old man in a wheelchair who was leaving in a month anyway (being released). And how did he harass her? Just by running his mouth & talking about her showing off her boobs, that's it.

She's a pre-op transexual in a man's prison trying to become a female & she expects no one to say anything about it. Am I supposed to file a sexual harassment complaint every time someone calls me "fag"?

So, this bitch got me involved & my name was brought up & suddenly I'm forced to pack everything & move to a different unit where I most definitely didn't want to live & with someone whom I sure didn't want to live with. I was pissed.

But do you think it ends there? Of course not - it only gets worse. Two days after I was told to pack everything & move to a different unit, I was told to pack everything & report to R+D (Receiving & Discharge - where you go when you arrive or leave the prison). Are you f-ing kidding me? Once again I pack all my stuff - only this time adding 3 bags of yarn & hobby crafts from Rec.

Ten of us packed out that day. One was going to the "low security" prison next door and the other 9 of us were headed to the other medium security prison also next door (there are 5 prisons in this complex). We were stuck without property for 2 days & moved on Friday. Lovely.

Some of the guys spoke to the Captain & were told that they wouldn't be coming back - ever. The official word is that they needed the bed space. I know 2 of the guys were buying prescription drugs from other inmates & pressuring the guy who told on them. I strongly suspect my name came up because of my bitch ex-cellie Paul, who kept "dropping notes" on me to get me thrown in the Hole. However, he just screwed himself 'cause he was transferred to. Serves him right.

This place is awful. And it is seriously scary for someone like me who's not used to this rough of an environment. It's like night & day compared to next door. The last time I was in a place like this I only lasted 3 months & then had to "check in" to the Hole where I spent 8 months waiting to be transferred. I don't know if I'm gonna make it & I don't know if I can go back to the other prison.

Also, this move really screwed me up financially even more 'cause now I don't have a job & am just starting to get crocket orders. I just don't know what I'm gonna do.

Well, dear Readers, any kind thoughts and/or prayers are more than welcome.

Love & Blessings,



Replies (5) Replies feed

Rita Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
hey Kelly,

So sorry to read all of this. I thought, even before reading this article, you moved to another prison.

I got your letter, but I was so far behind and had to write first to Ramiro in TX, He's on DR...

Now I am busy writing to George, a letter in his favor. On the 6th of August he has his PB!

Can you visualize him? That our fate will be blessed. Get you also in my prayers, Kelly.

I hope you can find a job. Always know that I care, Kelly.
You are a nice human.

love from Rita xxx

Rita Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
I meant a letter for his lawyer, Jessica, in his favor.

Kelly Jones Posted 10 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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Rita Posted 10 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
dear Kelly,

I would like very much to wish you a belayed HAPPY BIRTHDAY!It is later, but not less in wishing you as a dear friend a fine future! Receive for this occasion many (((big hugs)))!
Where and how are you???
Are you moved by now? I wonder?

I know you'll write me as soon as you can.Did you actually hear Martine liked our contact stopped?

The latest news from George is that they have now an expert to interrogate him.They have to pay the man good money! Only if they chose so. The man can make himself free at the end of Oktober at soonest?We'll know the result beginning of November.Well, they release more older men now.Visualize him as free, Kelly! Lets hope for the best!
I just came home from dancing the Zumba, with young people. It's great and one sweats a lot!!

It's late here, but it was nice writing to you.

You are wished only the very best, Kelly.

love from Rita ;)

Kelly Jones Posted 9 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
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