April 1, 2011

7 Meaningless Words

by Thomas Manning (author's profile)


7 meaningless words

Quiet, is the truth
to everyones questions
yet still an excuse
when you dont want to
answer. It's Something
You Cant escape or Hide from.

Perfection, is a flaw
that has blinded
and Confused So Many
because, we spend
are lives Searching
for it when
in all reality it
Doesn't exist.

Darkness, is the light to everyone's Secrets, You
Can pretend they don't
exsist and hide them
for a lifetime. But you
Can only live in darkness
for So long before it
becomes you.

Emotions, to me are
alot Stronger then the
Mind itself because
we act out of
Most our emotions
without a thought of the
to others.

Patience, is a time
and skill we all possess...
Yet we never utilize it.
that's why so many of
us fail at what's so
easy to acheive.

is a feeling... No longer
an action, Because
it is said action's, speak
louder then words, But
if that's true why
do words & actions
Hert the same?

Reality, is a dream to Most
Because they've never lived it. Then
they run from the Quiet, Yet they
live in Darkness, they strive for
Perfection, but Have No Patience,
they all want to be part of
Something but won't show others
acceptance, and they all let there
pride Consume their Emotions, So i
i think it's about time we ask
ourselfs, what are we living Now ?
a Dream or


Replies (1) Replies feed

helloimhere Posted 8 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 6 months ago   Favorite

I hope your doing okay in there and that jail isnt to harsh! i read that your in there for a while and i hope while your in there you make use of your time and get some schooling and degrees for when you get back out. hopefully when you get back out you can get a stable career and get your life on track! your young and attractive and its a shame that this happened!!

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