There must be a god, for millions of reasons that cost me more in time to express
And neurons burnt-out in calculations, than the weight in the scale of the need to address
It was God--by any name we choose--that had mercy on us struggling stragglers, and sent down "sweet marguerite", so we could see with our own eyes--black, blue & brown, how an angel is born and sings & cries, and swings & flies, and lives forged in fire, developed in distress, blossoms even in... barrenness.
To touch the lives of everyday folk with the tips of her wings, made of chocolate cotton-candy, and sunlight, and show she reminds me of all my favorite scents & flavors, and they remind me of her: honey coconut, real butter, toasted almonds, as natural as you can get.
She taught me to trust in me. She said if I was real iwth me I would bloom into the better me, but only, stop hiding from... myself.
There's a world to save, and it's one big rave, it's a grand ocean of possibility--[underlined]"Find your wave"[underlined], she said "and ride." In G-D ordained, divinely inspired silence, the heavenlies told her that her new name would be Maya, and that she would be the candle.
Zawadi Diamond
2023 dec 11
2021 jan 18
2020 aug 27
2020 aug 21
2020 aug 21
2020 jul 5
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